YCL! September 2013 | Page 9


Ask Brook offers a confidential freephone helpline , secure online enquiry service and text information service . Ask Brook is available to all young people on 0808 802 1234 , via text 07717 989023 , or via Ask Brook on Brook ’ s website , www . brook . org . uk .
The Ask Brook freephone helpline is free from all telephones including mobiles . Standard SMS charges apply to the Ask Brook text information service .
Anyone under 25 can ask us anything about sexual health , including information , support and signposting about relationships , contraception , abortion , body worries around sexual health , STIs and sexuality . Tell us what ’ s worrying you and we won ’ t laugh , tut or tell .
You can listen to recorded information on key sexual health issues anytime of day or night on 0808 802 1234 . You will hear a recorded message and will then be asked to choose the topic you want more information on from a list of options .
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