YCL! September 2013 | Page 8

Activities and Days out

The details !

Stage Combat Workshop
18th September
Squire is a company dedicated to providing outstanding stage combat training to schools , youth theatres and private drama groups . We provide stage combat training in armed and unarmed fight systems as well as workshops exploring SFX make-up and prosthetics . For schools , workshops can incorporate a range of topics including study texts and choreography for productions .
Dartmouth Food Festival
25th – 27th September
The Dartmouth Food Festival first took place in 2002 in Dartmouth ' s Market Square . There were only a handful of stalls but a huge amount of enthusiasm from local restaurants , hotels and producers . Over the last 10 years , it ' s developed into a major food event or as The Daily Telegraph put it ( February 2011 ), a ' heady mix of celebrity chefs , parties , food markets , tasting shacks and demonstrations '.
If you would like to attend any of these Events Please contact : Peter Winwood peter . winwood @ youngdevon . org 07738706081
Transport , tickets and lunch provided , please ask for more details
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