Xtraordinary Women Magazine September 2014 | Page 39

Holistic News & Events

How does Divine Guidance look like?

How do we listen?

How do the answers look like?

Guidance is whispered – it is soft. Sometimes we almost want it to be loud and clear. We may ask: “Tell me loud, tell me clear!”

For us, to hear the whisper we have to be in tune with our heart energy. Our Angels and Guides talk to us through our hearts and our gut (intuition) feelings. This in itself requires us to be present in EVERY MOMENT – that is why living in the NOW is so important.

One way for us to receive and recognise GUIDANCE is through what I call FLASHES.

Can you remember those times when you are so busy running around and your day is hectic and in between all of this you get flashes of thoughts, perhaps to phone someone, or to remember to do something or you might even get a good idea and you think to yourself “oh, I must remember this one”?

Well, that is flashes of guidance coming through. And soon enough, it might be out of your mind – and out of your heart. When you receive this, right there and then – STOP. Stop, look around you and listen – breathe.

Either, write it down, look around you for a sign you see or a number or phone the person right there and then. Don’t delay the action – as you may be surprised at the outcome! Note it, in the now, act upon it and follow the guidance.

We can also receive and recognise GUIDANCE through questions.

Sometimes we have a question and we don’t seem to get the answer. Well, sometimes the answer is in the question. Ask it, ask it LOUD. Speak it out LOUD and then WAIT. And this is where DIVINE TIMING comes in.

Yes, we do want instant gratification; we after all, have deadlines! Heaven doesn’t work with time - It is about circumstances and events that need to unfold first. So, if you ask the question, wait for the answer, it sure will come when the time is right. The important thing is that you have asked the question.

A third point where we recognise and receive guidance is through our GUT Feelings.

WE must test it over and over again. A small child explores the world around him, opens cupboard doors, want to touch and test everything – and then we as parents make the whole house CHILD PROOF! Don’t make your life GUT PROOF – test, experience, explore every gut feeling you get. You are safe and protected.

Like the child, when he touches the hot plate, he won’t go to the stove again. If you have followed a so called wrong feeling or intuition, you will soon recognise which feelings to trust as accurate and those situations that may not have worked out so well, are all learnings.