Xtraordinary Women Magazine September 2014 | Page 38

What is Divine Guidance?

Receiving and working with Divine Guidance and Wisdom in our lives is Inner Harmony.

Inherently, Wisdom is within all of us – we came to this earth with SOULD wisdom because we have a sacred contract to fulfil.

In our essence, in our core, we are perfect soul beings ready to fulfil a specific purpose, to connect back to God for the help we need, when we need whilst here on earth.

Where does it then go wrong? Why do we battle to hear or to even believe that what we receive is right for us, is just.

And this is barrier no.1. We want it to be RIGHT. We fear mistakes, we fear failure, we fear the wrong advice. Well, what if it is ALWAYS RIGHT?

How many times have you said: “I should have listened to my gut!” “I knew it, I didn’t listen to that inner voice, I just knew it….”?

Or sometimes we get a feeling or an answer and we say:

“But I don’t have the time or the money”

“I might fail and feel humiliated”

“I might be wrong…”

And we allow FEAR to talk us out of receiving GOOD – or what is good for us. You see, we are worthy of receiving DIVINE GUIDANCE to make our lives abundant, to help us UNDERSTAND our earthly journey, to receive gifts from Heaven.

Barrier no. 2 is that perhaps we believe that we must suffer in order to receive or that we can’t receive anything for free. We grew up with the belief that it is not right for us to accept gifts freely.

When we receive and follow DIVINE GUIDANCE, even though it may be difficult or challenging, there is a peace, an inner harmony that comes with it, that is indescribable. This contentment leads to abundance of lessons, understanding, joy and harmony which in turn leads us directly to that which we want to manifest, which we wish to receive in accordance with our Soul purpose.

You are a precious child of GOD and you deserve it, you are one with God. All is ONE. So if we give, we give to Him and if we receive we give to Him. Imagine what blessings we give to God if we allow ourselves to receive – and in essence that is what we give to ourselves because ALL IS ONE!

Your mind tells you, you may not be worthy, but that is the ego. Your heart knows you are a truly DIVINE BEING that is worthy of a DIVINE INHERITANCE.

In the world of the mind, there is doubt, fear and judgement. In the world of the heart, there is pure, unconditional love. And this is true guidance.

The Heart cannot make a mistake in TRUE GUIDANCE because it is connected to the SOUL who UDERSTANDS PURPOSE AND HARMONY.

On one morning, I found the most amazing rock, filled with spirit quarts. I lay flat on my back nestled on the rock and meditated for some time with my crystals. Then I gave myself a REIKI treatment. Up there on the mountain, complete stillness, just the wind and the occasional Turtle Dove calling across the sky...

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