Xtraordinary Women Magazine September 2014 | Page 40

Holistic News & Events

We must accept that the more learnings we have on our earthly journey, the more our soul being evolve and grow! What a blessing indeed!

Finally, a word on TRUST and LETTING GO.

We have to trust in GOD and in our PURPOSE. WE trust that we have a band of Angels guiding and protecting us. We trust and know that we have Guides stepping in to support us and teach us.

LETTING GO means I trust that I cannot control the outcome. The outcome is done. What is within my control is to listen and receive DIVINE GUDIANCE and to choose the actions that follow. You are in control of following guidance and making choices, then the outcome is PURPOSE.

It goes wrong because we interfere.

I have received many miracles and blessings in my life during the past year and it is because of one thing – letting go. I trust completely and am still learning to do so.

Yes, at times I still worry, I still fear and I still doubt – but I press on in keeping with claiming trust and claiming my outcome. Being in GRATITUDE for that which I have received and will still receive and in so doing, I have come to see more and more miracles in my life.

The less you interfere, the more you see the miracles and blessings around you. Yes, sometimes we have no option but to just wait as we have no more options left! There is nothing more to interfere with, no more plans we can make……

Trust that what you receive is right. The only judgement we place is on ourselves.

How do I hear GUIDANCE more clearly?

•You have to tune in daily. You have to have a set time for being quiet, for meditation or for simply being. I call it an appointment with “Whispered Guidance”. Quiet time to connect with your stillness within.

Follow the mind vs heart exercise. Breathe the question into your heart chakra, breathe deep and simply ask the question. Wait a few minutes and listen to the answer within your body.

Remember that the more natural, light and healthy your diet is, the more you are “clear” to be able to listen to your body more easily.

•Test it. Test and trust your gut feelings and act upon them.

Learn all you can from every experience and just move forward. Whispered Guidance leads to Inner Harmony.Through Inner Harmony our journey will unfold beautifully.

Beautiful blessings of abundance, peace and love,



Holistic News & Events