in a moment where someone just wants to where my heart had gotten so focused on the journey over all of those experiences over the
talk about Jesus or wants to talk about God, things that I was getting and the things I wasn’t last six or seven years of my life.
or just expressing that love somewhere else getting, the timing that wasn’t happening, and is worship. Living a life of obedience, living a the questions that I had. I started to just get I see it in my kids, I have such revelation of the
life that is always wanting to hear the voice of frustrated at God and I realized that this is not heart of God, being a husband, being a Dad. It’s
God, asking God where I should go and what I how it’s supposed to be. I’m supposed to be so been really sweet and teaches me a lot about
should do, or what I should say now. That kind satisfied with just Jesus in my life, and His love how God can be. It’s just been an incredible
of life, really feeling the Holy Spirit in your heart, and His grace for me, that just the relationship journey over the last several years.
to say something and do something and being that I have for Him is enough. Once I had obedient to do that, that’s worship. There are that revelation it just changed my life and set [WM] Which worship recordings profoundly
so many aspects in living life that are connected me free, and I had the revelation writing that impacted you early on?
to the voice of God. Having a heart that wants song. In that moment I realized, “God, I’m so to do something that pleases Him is really what sorry, my heart has gotten so turned toward [Cody] When I started leading worship I was
it's all about. the wrong thing”. There was so much freedom really drawn to (pause)…Tomlin was starting to
in that moment, there is so much freedom in release stuff around then, that was even pre-
You mentioned the word ‘repentance’, I had a repentance. There is so much freedom just “How Great is Our God”. When I really started
moment writing the song “Nothing Else” about recognizing you’re so sorry. And what’s sweet leading worship was around that time. I was
a year ago now, when I realized that my heart about God is that He’s so gracious, I didn’t really drawn to that, I love a lot of those early
was just kind of leaning towards a sort of, feel reprimanded, and I didn’t feel like I was in Tomlin songs. I loved Crowder at the time,
“Give me, give me, give me”, and like, “What trouble. I felt like God was saying, “You get it, I went to a youth camp when I was around
can you do for me?” Those are things that are now you’re starting to see it clearly. Where the thirteen and he was leading worship, I was
legitimate requests to make to God, God wants joy and the hope and the peace comes from, impacted mainly by his creativity. I loved how
us to bring our needs to Him and He wants us its Me.” Even if I don’t have all the answers the his songs were so unique and his writing was
to fulfill those needs, but I was just in a place fact that I have Jesus is satisfying. Its been a so unique and deep. It was just so different
September 2019
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