My Dad was a professional musician for about on the drums. My Dad just taught me all the the last few years I’ve realized it is more than
twenty-five years, pretty much up until the songs, all the different grooves and things like that. I think it was when I was twenty-two and
time I was born. He played Western Swing, that, and I grew up in that culture playing all I moved to Phoenix, Arizona. I was a worship
like Texas swing music, Bob Wills -that kind of these dances. So that was a big part of how I pastor at a church plant and that caused me
thing. When I was a kid growing up, he had grew up, learning how to play music and Texas to ask myself a lot of questions and think about
moved out of it professionally and was in the Swing. I have a lot of fond memories of me and things like, “Okay, I’m planting the church, I’m
medical field, but it was still a hobby of his to my Dad doing that, it really ingrained a lot in introducing people to a worship culture, I’m
play that kind of music. I remember being six me those early years. I can still sing all of those teaching them”. It made me ask the questions
or seven years old. I grew up learning how to songs. I grew up on all of that stuff. of what is this really about and why do we do
play drums, which was my main instrument
this? It helped me break out of some of the
until I was about eighteen. My Dad was a bass [WM] When did you realize that worship is traditional things I’d learned and ask why is
player, so on the weekends we would go play more than simply singing songs on Sunday this really important and what’s the reason that
Texas dances and neighborhood dances in morning, and involves risk and repentance, we do this. That’s really when I started to figure
small towns. People would get together on a reverence and revelry? out that worship is such an important thing,
Saturday night with a band playing and a big
it is important to come together as a group
concrete dance floor, and they would pour [Cody] I’ve been on that journey for the last of believers. To be in a room lifting up Jesus
salt on it so you could slide around on it really few years, I started leading worship when I together is such a powerful thing.
easily, that kind of culture. I was a young kid, was fourteen. But really, in the last few years and I think by the time I was ten years old I I’ve come to ask those questions. I grew up But that’s only part of it. Every part of my life is
was playing full four-hour gigs with my Dad. He leading worship, Sunday morning was very worship. Every part of my life is really expressing
would play bass, a couple of his friends would normal, and I knew it was getting together and love to Jesus and expressing that love for
play guitar and fiddle, and I was this little kid singing songs and worshipping Jesus. But over Jesus to other people as well. It could happen
September 2019
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