In a relatively short time, Cody Carnes has Waylon Jennings, and the great Al Perkins, are pretty as far as the terrain, but I’m very fond
become one of Christian music’s finest just a few artists that came from west Texas of it. When you grow up in Texas you always
songwriters and gifted worship leaders. A as well. Having lived in central and north Texas just think Texas is the best. You always feel like
consummate musician, his giftings include for years, and being married to a Texan, I can Texas will always be home, and there’s a bit of
drums, guitar, bass, piano, and vocals. His vouch that west Texans are a unique and that Texas pride I definitely feel. I loved growing
anthems are now sung in churches around wonderfully genuine people. What was it like to up there, it was awesome.
the world, and his newest release, “Run grow up there?
to The Father”, was just released through
[WM] Texas has an absolutely magnificent
Capitol Christian Music Group, and it’s finding [Cody Carnes] I would agree with that. It music culture. Rock and Roll, Country, Blues,
huge favor in congregations everywhere. The was great. I grew up around a lot of amazing Ragtime, Jazz, Gospel and Worship, all have
following visit took place over the phone while people, amazing friends, and people at church significant names hailing from Texas. Although
Cody, his wife Kari (Jobe), and children, were who felt like family. My parents divorced at a Austin calls itself the music capital of Texas,
travelling on vacation by car. I really appreciate young age. I was three, so they both raised me the Lone Star State’s music is prolific from
the time sacrificed by the Carnes family in order but in single parent homes, and there were a lot Luckenbach to Littlefield, and from Abbott to
to conduct this interview. of people from the church that kind of jumped Amarillo. Can you comment on this?
in and helped raise me. It was a great place
[WM] I believe that you’re originally from to grow up, and very warm. It was a very ugly [Cody] It’s an interesting question because I
Big Spring, Texas. Buddy Holly, Roy Orbison, place to grow up in (laughs)- not anything very actually grew up in all this Texas music culture.
“In that moment I realized,
“God, I’m so sorry, my heart
has gotten so turned toward
the wrong thing”. There was
so much freedom in that
moment, there is so much
freedom in repentance.
There is so much freedom
just recognizing you’re so
sorry. And what’s sweet
about God is that He’s
so gracious, I didn’t feel
reprimanded, and I didn’t
feel like I was in trouble.”
September 2019
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