than anything I had heard, and I loved that. I was overseeing a team of people, and I was work, we’re still pastoring and serving people,
even kind of think it’s reflected in some of the not simply making sure that the services were and we’re still leading people the way that we
music I’ve written when I’ve just wanted to be filled and the right songs were being sung, and were. But now were just in a bunch of different
creative and say something in a different way that the band was playing the right part. I was cities and we live on a tour bus with our kids
and make arrangements that weren’t just so doing all of that, but also, I was investing in pretty much. So, its really just those traveling
up the middle all the time. I was really inspired those people’s lives, I was getting to know their differences that have changed, otherwise it’s
by him. I was really inspired by Shane & Shane families and making sure that they were good. about the same.
around that time as well, I grew up in a Baptist I was helping them on their journey for Jesus. church so any kind of thing that was in that And we’re still doing that, Kari and I do that [WM] Waylon Jennings once stated, “If you
culture at the time was super impactful to me. with our band and crew now, and our team. take all the Texans out of Nashville, you’ll end up
So it feels very similar in that way. I was leading with two guys from LA”. What was it like for you
Once I got out of high school, I was at Gateway people in worship, which I still do. Even though and your wife Kari to relocate to Tennessee?
in Dallas, and I became very impacted by bands we’re touring and in different rooms all the time Have you found real Texas barbeque yet?
like Delirious?, and bands like Hillsong United. with different people, we really see it as just Those kinds of artists that were just creating taking church on the road and we’re there to [Cody] (laughs) If I’m not going to live in Texas,
really beautiful, honest, and vulnerable songs serve the people that we are leading at the time. then Tennessee is the next best thing and it’s
that were congregational and congregations I guess the biggest difference is that now I just the closest thing to Texas that you can get,
were singing them. I was watching these don’t know the people as much in the rooms but minus the barbeque. There is barbeque in
songs impact a room of people. I feel like the I am in, we’re in different rooms all the time in Nashville, but not like Texas. We love it here.
bar creatively was so high, it was a song to different cities. At the church I was consistently It’s Southern, the people are warm and sweet,
be proud of, it was a song that was really well leading the same people every week, and it feels like a small town, and there’s a ton of
written and well crafted, and I loved that about there is something really special about getting music. I think it feels very similar, but Texas will
all of that music. to know the people that you’re leading and always be home. When we get to Texas, we
getting to know their stories and their journeys just breathe a little easier. You can always tell
[WM] What was it like to leave a staff worship and getting to know where they’re at with God when you’re in Texas. When the plane lands it
position at Gateway Church in Southlake, and getting to see them grow. That’s something just feels right, and it feels different. But we do
and enter the world of a touring worship that so unique with church. However, we’re still love Tennessee. It’s awesome.
leader? part of a church, but now we’re in Nashville. We still get to do that and see that, we’re just not [WM] Let’s talk about songwriting. I know
[Cody] In a way I feel like I’m still doing what on staff or getting paid. We volunteer our time that you sometimes write by yourself, and
I was doing there, just in a different way. When there at The Belonging. Really, it’s kind of the that sometimes you work alongside others in
I was on staff, I was a worship pastor and I same in a lot of ways: we see what we do as collaboration. You wrote and recorded, “The
Cross Has the Final Word”. It has also been
covered by others, including the Newsboys. Tell
us about that song?
[Cody] That song came unexpectedly on
Good Friday of 2016. I just happened to be
sitting on my couch reading the Easter story. I
like to do that every Easter; go back and read
the story and just have a moment and I feel
The Cross Has the Final Word
September 2019
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