photo by Bre Cura
Screamer that I leave on all the time. I max out [Seth] I added that in 2013 I think, and I’m but also can utilize it as a complete backup
the level and turn the drive all the way down, going to be honest, I can’t even remember the board if needed.
it helps to give you a little extra bite and tuck name of the company other than I needed one the lows of a dirty amp, so that stays on all quick. I reached out to Tour Supply and they the time. I set the tone at about one and two gave me the number of a guy who maybe at o’clock, probably closer to one. the time was building some stuff for them. He [Seth] I have checked them out. I was in
turned a couple around really quickly for me, talks with them for a bit and I think their stuff
Then I have a few pedals that go through both and it’s pretty much just a bare bones black is incredible. Even somewhere down the line if
sides, a John Petrucci signature Wah, and I enclosure. Everything has its own loop except I go into a rebuild I would consider it. I guess
use a Digitech Whammy that also has the drop for the Whammy and the wah that run through one thing I should mention, and it’s on my
tune side built in. The only other thing would be the same loop. I kind of ran out of loops after Skillet board, but I earlier mentioned my side
that I have a delay that lives in my rack, which I added that Whammy (laughs). Those things project with John called Fight the Fury. When I
runs only through the Archon. I had some guys have a lot of miles on them, so I’ve looked at built that rig, I have the Boss ES-8 on my pedal
at STS Tone Solutions in Nashville build me a some options to maybe replace them, but they board, which I’m extremely impressed with. I
custom switch that could run through that foot haven’t gone out yet, so they’ve done pretty don’t know if you’ve messed with those, but I
switch jack of the Archon that could live on my well. couldn’t believe how rugged it is, it feels really
pedal board and so I can bring that delay in and
out. So anytime I’m doing a lead I bring that [WM] Sounds like you’ve got two swappable
delay in and it is only going through the Archon, boards yes?
[WM] Awesome, and yes, the Boss team is
so the Dual Rec stays dry.
[WM] What switcher are you using?
[WM] Have you checked out the RJM stuff?
cranking out some really great gear. Speaking
[Seth] I have two identical pedal boards that of gear, that gets us to your guitars! What drew
are out on the road, one we’ll use as a fly board, you to PRS guitars and were you already using
September 2019
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