cabinets or speakers, whatever the case may much the AC30 type of thing. That’s been in my be, so I ordered another Mesa traditional 412 rig for maybe three or four years now. I have it and that seemed to remedy it. Those Mesa set up just on the edge of breakup and then I [Seth] Everything runs through a true-bypass
cabinets, they’re just tanks, they’ll last you for have a couple overdrives going through it, so strip. Anyone who uses one knows, it makes
decades. I’ve always loved their cabinets and anything you hear live that’s not super heavy, pedal dancing a lot easier, you have everything
I use the completely straight baffle ones. Like like a lot of times intros to songs like “Hero”, right there. What I really love is that if a pedal
I said, with the traditional it’s a little bit smaller and some pre-choruses, basically anytime you or cable or something goes out, it’s not going
enclosure, you get a little more mid range, but hear that it’s not just a wall of guitar it’s that to kill your whole chain. So as far as flow of a
with the straight baffle you maybe get a little Tyler. It’s going through a Mesa 2x12” open show goes, that’s nice, if a pedal goes down it
extra punch. back cab, and I swapped the speakers out in it doesn’t knock out your whole signal flow.
[WM] So what’s on your board these days?
for the combination of a Celestion Creamback
As far as speakers go, yes, it’s the stock Mesa
and a G12H.
It’s not overly complicated, I have an A/B setup
vintage 30’s.
[WM] Are you still using the Tyler amp in
with the Tyler being my clean amp and then the
[WM] How did you choose those speakers for Archon and Duel Rec being my dirty amps. I
the cab? have a handful of pedals that I only send through
your rig?
my clean side. I have a lot of Cusack stuff, I’m
[Seth] I went with the guidance of my Celestion a big supporter. I have a Cusack Screamer,
[Seth] I am, so anything you hear that’s not rep. I actually was looking at something else, a Cusack Screamer Fuzz, a TC Nova Delay,
dirty is the Tyler. I got connected with John, and I told him what head I was running and and a TC Hall of Fame Reverb, and a Cusack
the owner, abut about seven years ago when he was like, “Man, I’ll tell you what, I think you Tremolo, all of which are only going through the
he was just starting to become well known. I should try this Creamback, it really just sounds clean side, the Tyler.
actually have a few of his amps at home, and like a really good broken-in Blue” so I trusted out on the road I have the HM-30, which is him. I hooked it up, loved it, and never deviated.
kind of his take on a Matchless DC-30, it’s very
On the dirty side of things, its actually like an
old rock n’ roll trick, I have another Cusack
photo by Daniel Parlante
September 2019
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