Worship Musician September 2019 | Page 76

photo by Bre Cura that day, I still remember that guitar! So, I had TC100’s at all? They’re awesome, and as I said it was just the modern one with three channels, been talking to them about the Dual Rec and I love it by itself. But when I paired it with the but man I just love that old two channel one. So really wanting to find another amp to run with Dual Rec it almost just felt like it couldn’t keep as of just a couple weeks ago I have that out it. I remember Bev saying, “Can you hang on a up like the Archon does volume wise and just on the road. few more months?” and a couple months later the punch of it. I really love this amp but the an Archon showed up on my doorstep. As you Archon just works so well with the Dual Rec [WM] Which cabs and speakers are you know, some amps work and some don’t, some so I’ve never switched. I connect them together using? may sound incredible by themselves and then with a Lehle P-Split. Anytime you hear my dirty you hook it up with another amp and it doesn’t (sound) they are on together at all times. When [Seth] I just use the Rectifier traditional have the same thing, but those amps, they one is off, the other is on with it, its just the cabinet, which are the smaller ones. I love the just work. P-Split that is connecting them both together. Rectifier standards, the oversized ones, and I actually have one of those at home, I just love John and I have a side project called Fight the The only thing I changed was probably five the punch that the smaller ones have. They Fury. It’s a little heavier and dives in more to the years ago. For anybody that geeks out about have just a little bit more mid range which I really Metal realm. We went out and did some shows Dual Recs, those early nineties ones are like the like, and actually I use two of those. For a while toward the end of last year and I built a different cream of the crop. I think the serial numbers is when I first added the Archon I was running the rig for it, obviously still had the Dual Rec in there 2404 to be exact, with the small logo, a fixed Duel Rec through the Mesa 412 traditional, and because I don’t think I can get away from that. power cable, all that. I got a steal on this thing then PRS also sent me one of their 412’s to run I got my first Rectifier when I was fifteen years on Nashville Craigslist and just had it reworked, with the Archon. And it did sound good, I just old so its just kind of become engrained in my I had Nashville Amplifier Service go through found that even with the phase reversal on the head, and I tried bringing it out – I love this it for me and gave it a good physical. So, I splitter it just felt like it was never quite right. amp by itself. Have you messed with the Mesa actually have that out on the road now, before I know that can happen when you mismatch 76 September 2019 Subscribe for Free...