From platinum records to Grammy awards, Years went by, and about five or six years ago [Seth] You know what, I don’t remember that
Skillet’s success is undeniable, nor is Seth nostalgia started hitting me and I really wanted guitar, I think he sold it before I was born, but
Morrison’s contribution. For all the band’s that guitar back. We wound back up with the he still talks about it all the time. I do believe
achievements, Seth still remembers where body of the guitar, honestly it was just a blessing, he knows where it is. Honestly, as soon as we
he came from and how he got to where he and it fell into our laps. I wanted to keep going hang up I’m going to text him and say, “You
is today… and my Dad remembered who he sold the won’t believe this, I just did an interview asking
original neck to. I’m from Ohio and it was a guy about the Peavey T40!” He’ll get a crack out of
[WM] You started out on drums before taking maybe an hour away from where we’re from, it. I’m gonna find out where that guitar is!
up the guitar. What drew you to the instrument and my Dad was like, “I could call him and see in the first place and what do you love most if he still has that neck.” I said, “No, just give me I don’t know if you’ve ever been around pedal
about it today? his number and I’ll give him a call.” I ended up steel players. That’s his main instrument, and
sending him an email explaining that this was to this day that instrument just mesmerizes
[Seth Morrison] I did start out on drums! one of the guitars that I remember watching my me. Honestly, it’s something I still want to pick
My parents had a traveling weekend warrior Dad play from a pew every weekend for as long up and wish I had picked up earlier. If you go
Country Gospel group, and that’s how I grew as I could remember. I told him I wasn’t asking to my Instagram, on my Christmas 2018 tab I
up. From as far back as I can remember until for the neck back, but I wanted to get in line in have some videos of my Dad playing Christmas
I was ten or eleven years-old, they had their case he ever wanted to sell it, and to please songs on steel. I could just sit and listen to the
group. My big brother was the drummer in the remember me. He hit me back and said, “No, instrument all day long, but it’s just the fact
group, and I looked up to him as a kid (and still you need to have this neck, I’d be honored to that there is nothing with strings the guy can’t
do). I wanted to play drums like him, so that’s give it back to you.” All that to say, I have the play. He can pick up a fiddle and do his thing, a
where I started. My Dad plays everything with body and the original neck from my first guitar banjo, he picks up a Tele and can chicken pick
strings, and his primary instrument is pedal back and I love it! with the best of them. I guess as a kid I didn’t
steel guitar. Growing up he always had 90’s
really realize how well-seasoned and versed he
Country playing around the house. At eleven or [WM] In that time out on the road with your was as a multi-string instrumentalist, and now
twelve years old I told him there were a couple folks, what are some of the lessons you learned that I’m older I’m like, my gosh, he’s kind of
of songs I wanted to learn, and he showed me then that have helped you most today? like a legend in our little tri-state region of Ohio
on guitar, and that was kind of it. I never had
any formal lessons from that time, I just fell in [Seth] I would say that half of what we do love with it and here we are. now is living on a bus with other people. So [WM] Are you still combining a Mesa-Boogie
just being a respectable person to be around Dual Rectifier and a PRS Archon for your
[WM] What was your first guitar, and do you in that sense. I’m really thankful I got to do dirty sound?
still own it? it. One, because it was with my family and I really look up to my Dad and my brother, even [Seth] If you come to a Skillet show, obviously
[Seth] It’s funny you ask this, because I’ve musically. Getting to experience so many of ninety percent of what you’re going to hear is
been trying to do something with this guitar at my childhood years watching them do their my main dirty sound. And yes, to this day it’s
home this week. In the group, my Dad always thing. I also got to experience a lot of different still the Dual Rec and the Archon. For a long
played a ‘72 Tele. Those early 70’s Tele’s had worship environments in different churches time, it was only the Dual Rec, but I always
that big, thick baseball bat neck which I love. every weekend, all around the tri-state area wanted to run two amps. I thought about a few
I’m sad to say it’s not all original. My Dad and of Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. West Virginia different things and I think it was 2013 when we
the guy that had it before him changed the is also in that region. I’m just really thankful I were on a tour called “Carnival of Madness”.
finish on it a couple times, so it had already lost got to experience those diverse churches and Shinedown was headlining, then it was us,
its value in that realm. When I started playing, different worship environments. It definitely Papa Roach, and I can’t remember who else.
he redid that guitar for me, but he put a different helped season me for what was to come. Shinedown’s guitar player Zach Meyers and I
neck on it because he thought that neck would
are great friends and we were hanging out on a
be too big for an eleven-year old’s hands. Later, [WM] I saw a great Father’s Day post on your day that we were close to the PRS factory. Our
I sold that guitar because in my stupid thirteen- Instagram feed where your Dad is playing a reps Beverly and Rich were at the show, and
year-old age I wanted to get a Peavey full stack Peavey T40. Is that guitar still around, and what Zach was still working on what is the current
(laughs). are some of the things that he taught you both revision of his signature model, the Trampas
in music and life? green semi-hollow. They brought the prototype
September 2019
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