Worship Musician September 2018 | Page 99

Meinl ’ s Cymbal Bacon ( best name award !). In the DIY category , try the old-school methods of draping a small chain across the plate or using adhesive tape to attach several coins to the top surface of the cymbal .
ROLL TYPES | ROLL SPEEDS While most suspended cymbal rolling is produced with soft mallets , sticks can also be employed . Check out the sounds created by a single stroke roll versus the double stroke version . Roll speeds can be used to produce subtle shadings . Listen how roll speed ( using any implement ) can generate either tension or relaxation .
COMBINING CYMBALS Every tonal manipulation in this article can be accomplished with a single cymbal--except this one . Modify your suspended cymbal tone by combining it with another cymbal . You can simultaneously strike or roll on another standard suspended cymbal or mix in the sound of an “ effect cymbal ” such as a splash , Chinese , or perforated plate .
CHOKE Laissez vibrer ( or l . v .) is a common marking in classical music cymbal parts . The English translation for this French term is “ let vibrate .” Although we often follow a cymbal strike or roll with “ laissez vibrer ,” do not forget about the “ choke .” The choke technique allows you to control the length of the note . Simply grab the plate with thumb above and fingers below to stop the vibrations and thus the sound of the cymbal . Mastering the choke will assist you in matching note lengths with other instruments in an ensemble .
MUTING Alter the sound of a cymbal by applying some muting material . This simple process will reduce the sustain while changing the overtones . Meinl ’ s Cymbal Tuners make use of strong magnets to attach to a plate ’ s surface . Moongel Resonance Pads can also be used to mute a cymbal , as well as good ol ’ adhesive tape .
BONUS : BOWING It ’ s doubtful you ’ ll use this sound on next Sunday ’ s opener , but you never know when it might come in handy . Percussionists have long utilized bowing technique on gongs , vibraphones , and other instruments ( including cymbals ). Drawing a bow across the edge of the cymbal will produce some unique timbres without the characteristic attack of a striking implement . Try it .
With a little experimentation , you can discover additional cymbal sounds . Search for other timbres and apply them with taste .
“ Praise him upon the loud cymbals : praise him upon the high sounding cymbals .” Psalm 150:5 KJV
Mark Shelton Mark is a freelance musician / producer / clinician based in Dallas , TX . Performance credits include North Carolina Symphony , Tin Roof Tango , Dallas Wind Symphony , Daystar Singers & Band , Strata Big Band , and Gateway Worship . www . marksheltonmusic . com