Worship Musician September 2018 | Page 98

PERCUSSION TEN WAYS TO EXPAND YOUR SUSPENDED CYMBAL SOUND PALETTE | Mark Shelton A suspended cymbal is a frequent companion excite different timbres from the bell. when I am playing percussion with an soft and peaceful texture. (I think the sound resembles a sigh.) You will need a plate with ensemble. It is amazing how a metal disc can EDGE AND BOW a traditional finish as opposed to a “bright” or produce such an abundance of tone colors. Begin tapping with the bead of a drum stick at “brilliant” finish. The traditional finish will have If your suspended cymbal sound palette has the edge of a cymbal. Listen carefully as you the grooves and ridges available for scraping. been limited to perfunctory striking and rolling, move your tapping from the edge slowly toward A triangle beater is my go-to implement for you’re missing out on a lot of tonal possibilities. the bell. The area between the bell and edge cymbal scrapes, but a coin or metal washer are I have gathered together several methods (the bow) contains subtle shadings of tone. worthy alternatives. Start a scrape where the for manipulating the timbre of a suspended Although the edge gets to log a lot of playing bell meets the bow and rake downward toward cymbal. time for crashes and rolls, you should explore the edge. You will hear a slightly different sound the sounds found in the bow to gather ideas for when you reverse the motion. When experimenting with these tone production your suspended cymbal work. EDGE HARMONIC techniques, I suggest using an authentic suspended cymbal. Some manufacturers will IMPLEMENTS Hold print the word “suspended” on the top surface Employing various striking implements is one perpendicular to the edge of a cymbal and of the plate. The usual choice for classical of the chief methods for changing tone colors gently strike the instrument. (See photo) Master music applications, these special cymbals are on any percussion instrument. Tap the cymbal this one. It’s delicate, elegant, and tasteful. created for quick response and easy rolling. with coins and metal knitting needles. Bring out a drum stick or triangle beater subtle sounds with brushes and bundled rods. SIZZLE BELL Use various yarn-wrapped mallets to excite Drilling holes into a cymbal and inserting rivets The bell (or dome) of the cymbal has a ringing different harmonics, and make sure to explore will give you that great sizzle sound, but there brightness that can penetrate a dense mix. Use the timbral differences between striking with a are other methods for obtaining some “hiss the brilliant timbre to add coloristic shimmers wooden drumstick bead and a nylon tip. and fry” without installing permanent pieces of to an ambient moment or to attach some metal. There are a number of “sizzle devices” rhythmic sparkles to a groove. Experiment with Scrape on the market, including the Cymbal Sizzler bead, shoulder, and butt of a drum stick to The scraping timbre is very effective in a by ProMark, the Cannon Cymbal Sizzler, and 98 September 2018 WorshipMusician.com