Worship Musician September 2018 | Page 100

PADS SMOOTH OUT SONG-TO-SONG TRANSITIONS | Mike Graff Dead silence. It’s a simple solution, really. All you need are go to the next song, fade out the pad as the some great sounding pads and an app that will next song begins (or, if the keys are clashing, We’ve all been there. You finish leading a allow you to “crossfade” from one pad to the fade it out earlier so it goes completely silent worship song, and the entire church is electric. next (Pads Live is a great app, as well as many at the same moment you start the next song). The presence of God is palpable. But suddenly, others). as you get ready for the next song, it happens. If you already  have pads playing during your Dead silence. song, and you want them to continue playing when that song is done in order to transition You certainly need time to flip chord charts, change capo positions, turn effects pedals on and off, and so on. But it can’t magically happen in the blink of an eye; you need time. And so, the clock begins. It almost feels like a pit-crew at a race-car event, “What’s the least amount of time we can make this pit-stop last?” Granted, a pit-crew is a group of trained professionals who knows how to execute in that situation with ease. But if you’re a normal human being like me, needing to get ready for the next song might take more than a split- second. So what would be an easy solution to create the time you need and to kill the dreaded dead- silence? There are multiple ways to do so, of course. But if you want a quick solution that sounds great and takes very little effort to implement, I’d suggest adding pads to your ...the clock well, good news for you: you don’t have to do anything else to smooth out your transition! If begins. It almost the pad is already adding a nice layer in your worship song, then allow it to continue to play when the song is done, and you’ll have a feels like a musical safety net to let you prep for the next song. Then when it’s time to start the next pit-crew at a song, gently crossfade the old pad sound/key out, and the new pad sound/key in. Again, it’s a race-car event, “What’s the least amount of time we can make this pit-stop last?” worship sound in between songs. wise decision to choose an app that does all of this for you seamlessly and easily. And just like that, you’ve bought enough time to do whatever you need to do in between songs to prep for the remainder of your worship set! As a bonus, pads as in-between-song transitions also allow you to have time to pray, read Scripture, spontaneously sing, and/or gently play your instrument over the pad. You now have the bandwidth to do whatever you’d like in between songs.  Pads (or pad loops) are that ambient, If you don’t have pads playing during your It’s amazing to have a pad as a subtle yet atmospheric sound in the root key of any given song but want to use them to smooth out the beautiful musical bed playing underneath you to song, and they float underneath the rest of your in-between-song transition, simply turn on a make you feel like you’re no longer responsible worship team’s sound. And while I’m a massive pad (which, again, floats nicely in the root key to make sure dead-silence disappears advocate for using pads during just about any of whatever song you’re doing) about fifteen to song to add depth and atmosphere (and to thirty seconds before the song is done. Make make your life easier as a worship leader), I sure the pad is present in your mix, but not think one of the biggest payoffs of using pads overpowering. Once you’re done with the song, is killing dead-silence in between songs and the pad will continue to play in the root key, giving you, as a worship leader the chance to allowing you to do what you need to do during breathe. Breathe. that transition time. Then when you’re ready to 100 September 2018 Mike Graff Worship musician/leader for over 20 years. Chief Creative of Coresound Pads CoreSoundPads.com WorshipMusician.com