their boards. I’ll always remember scheming up
frustrating. The learning never stops.
We’ve made some really cool upgrades to
a new setup for Adsy (then bassist for Hillsong
the Interfacer recently. We completely re-did
United) on napkins during lunch breaks at the Our product line has just recently been the coding (thanks to the patient help from
café I worked at. The first turning point was completed. We now offer a two line parallel Jon at Bondi Effects), included two types of
when Nigel asked us to take a look at his board. effects junction for bass players, an updated summing, summing on a relay which means
One tweet and an Instagram post from him and Interfacer, Interfacer, you can change it on the fly, and the best part,
we suddenly had some profile. Through Nigel an angled board-friendly Interfacer (called a transformer isolation option which our touring
we got connected with Jeffrey, who in turn gave Underfacer… clever we know), a solution for customers can’t be without. The upgrades we
us another profile boost, particularly in the US. players that want per-preset wet/dry effects have been making these last couple of years
and a couple other fun things. A lot of the have been out of a place of improving an
[WM] Mikey, you used to spend a lot of time above now comes with ground lift and phase already solid product, not because I’m learning
on (aka TGP). What are the correction as well. circuit design!
[WM] The Interfacer is your flagship product [WM] The ability to easily sum stereo outputs
and solves some fairly common challenges at the end of a pedalboard signal chain is
[Mikey] What I value from communities like that players with complex pedalboards and something that I haven’t seen before. As you
TGP is honest user experience. They’re gold rigs face. You had a number of revisions before looked around were you surprised not to see
mines for how pedals work in the real world, you brought it to market – was there an initial a number of other boxes that addressed this
and how they interact with other pedals. This “Aha!” moment where most of it came together issue?
information is crucial for me when consulting or does it more closely reflect the revision with a client on their custom setup. Clients may process?
most significant things you learned, and what
do you value most about that community?
[Grant] I was, yes. Summing isn’t anything
not realize it, but when they’re working with me new as a concept, far from it. It is quite new
on their setup the Rolodex of data in my head however on a pedal board as a stand-alone
is whirring away, looking for any info that might box. Giving people the flexibility to choose
be relevant. when they want to run one amp or two, stereo
or dual mono was a huge step for us and really
[WM] You have also crafted a number
got us going as a company.
of custom junction boxes, some of which
you’ve made available to the public. Besides [WM] As a lover of fuzz and wah, I was excited
the Interfacer, what are some of your other to see that you created an extra input loop that
offerings, and what special tricks do they do? allows you to place pedals that don’t “play
nice” with buffered inputs before the “main”
[Grant] I spend a lot of time and budget (sorry
The Interfacer
buffered input.
Mikey) trying new ideas and approaches to the
circuits we use. The best thing we did for our [Grant] There have probably been 15+ [Grant] If I remember correctly, that was a
junction box offering was to open a custom revisions to the Interfacer, mostly unknown Mikey idea. A lot of pedals are fine with buffers,
shop. People come to us with ideas they want and many years ago. It had more to do with but the one you really want on your board won’t
to see become a reality. Getting to prototype the fact that I was learning how to build circuit be. It’s a straight-forward add on that really can
is my favorite part of the job and also the most boards than the features of the Interfacer itself. save a lot of headache. A best-kept secret of
October 2017