Worship Musician October 2017 | Page 14

GUITAR TALK [ WITH MIKEY & GRANT FROM GOODWOOD AUDIO | Doug Doppler ] Mikey & Grant photo: Anna Ashley – Bondi Effects In addition to designing and building custom [Grant] I started an instrument cable company about pedals and pedal board setups. I had pedal boards for a virtual who’s who in the with a buddy around 2010/2011. We had one collected a library of gear knowledge in my worship guitar world, Goodwood Audio’s Grant aspiration, sell a couple cables to friends and head and he knew how to solder, so I asked Klassen and Michael Woodward have designed use the profits to buy raw product for our him if he’d be willing to give it a try with his a growing range of innovative guitar junction own personal cables. The plan worked for a pedal board. boxes, most notably The Interfacer. while and then we ran out of friends to buy our product. The positive take away was that [Grant] It passed signal but sounded like a [WM] You’ve become the go to pedalboard I learned to solder and experiment with cables wool blanket was put over my amp. It was a guys for Nigel Hendroff, Michael Guy Chislett, and basic routing circuits. nightmare and had to be completely re-done after I played one service with it. and Jeffrey Kunde, just to name a few. Building a clientele like this doesn’t happen overnight. [Mikey] I knew that Grant was making cables, Tell us about the path that led you to what and I also knew that there were guys in the U.S. [Mikey] It was a disaster, but we learned a lot. you’re doing now. and U.K. offering pedal board setup services. Once we had a little more confidence in what For some reason, I’m able to retain information we were doing some friends came to us with 14 October 2017 WorshipMusician.com