the passive input (just for WM Mag) is that you Ambience to market and was very generous because they think you’d be too expensive to
can use the passive input for an off-board tap with tips and advice. To this day I’m still amazed work with?
or expression pedal. it went as well as it did. The goal was $10k and
we ended up with over $17k.
[Grant] Honestly, we keep thinking that will
[Mikey] Here’s a perfect example of how
be the case. I am definitely a numbers guy… a
information I picked up from gear forums has [WM] Mikey, I saw the video demo you did for good day at work is creating a spreadsheet that
directly influenced product design. Time and the Interfacer before we connected around the does all the calculations for any given job (I’m
time again I read about people complaining magazine. It is one of the best product demos a hit at parties). We don’t come to our prices
that buffers ruined the sound of their favorite I’ve seen in terms of explaining what a given by pulling numbers out of thin air, everything is
fuzz and wah pedals. It made sense that if the piece of gear does, how you can use it, and calculated based on wages, raw parts, time to
Interfacer was going to be as comprehensive actually hearing it in action. That’s actually a build, overheads and so on. A few years back,
as we wanted, it needed a passive input. lot of tricks to pull off in one video. How much we would look at what it cost to build a board
did that video play a role in the success of this or a custom junction and think, “There’s no
[WM] You did a very successful Kickstarter product, and did you know once you were way people will pay that, it’s too much!” but it’s
campaign for the Interfacer. Who and what ready to bring this product to market that video what we had to charge to stay in business as a
inspired you to go this route, and did it exceed was going to be the most effective way to get custom shop/service provider.
your expectations? the message across?
[Mikey] I’m sure there are people that are
[Grant] One of the many lessons I have hesitant to reach out to us. Our pricing reflects
learned in this business is that boundaries breed the cost to run and grow a business, and take
creativity. We didn’t have the money to launch home a wage in Sydney, Australia. In 2017, we
the Interfacer but really believed it was a good increased our prices and have been busier than
product. We researched what a successful ever.
Kickstarter campaign looked like and invested
a lot of time and a small amount of money into
Official video for the Interfacer [WM] Grant, you guys love developing
easy out. You really need to do your numbers [Mikey] It’s funny, because I look at that video you draw this stuff out on paper, do it all in your
well and be realistic on what you can pull off. and cringe. The most important message was head, or some combination of the two?
We hit our $10k target in the first week and towards the end, well after most people stop were able to go a bit further than that which watching – a mistake we won’t make again. [Grant] The love for developing custom
bought us our first engraving machine. It was a That said, for people that keep watching it’s solutions comes from our passion for creating
game changer for us. We now had something hard not to enjoy the “stereo glory”. One of our something uniquely tailored for the player. It’s
like 80 orders to fulfill and the resources to do it! biggest pain points is the burden of education. so cool seeing a project take shape from initial
The well concept to delivery, and then hearing back that
[Mikey] I don’t remember how we came to understood, so video is a crucial element to its exactly what they had in mind. I draw out
the decision to run a Kickstarter campaign, helping people understand what our products the schematics on a very fancy $10 whiteboard
but I do remember that once the decision can do to transform their rig. and see if it will work on “paper”. If the concept
doing it well. Kickstarter is great, but is not an
custom solutions for people. Curious to know if
was made we asked advice from everyone we
looks good, I will get to building. Sometimes
could. Michael Weavers (Flux Effects) had run [WM] Given the high profile of your clientele, it works first try, other times I miss one small
a very successful campaign to bring his Liquid do you think some people don’t approach you continued on 18
October 2017