by Mitch Bohannon
I totally loved Iron Bell Music’s first release, and and know which ones were really resonating know? So, we were, even in that short amount
songs from that record have become anthems with people, as far as the message and the of time, just praying and asking God to birth
for the church where I lead. Upon hearing that impact. We had a little bit of concern going into the songs that He wanted to birth. He did that,
their new record was dropping I was really this second project, only because it was new for sure! We’ve had some stories from people
anxious to get some insight into what it was like. to us to write within a shorter timeframe and having radical encounters with the Lord while
Stephen McWhirter and Joel Gerdis are easy to to trust that the feedback we were getting was listening to some of the songs. That’s the kind
talk to, and between all the laughing, they gave the right feedback. Looking back now, I think of stuff that encourages us… to know that
me a good glimpse behind the scenes. Stephen and I would both say that we are glad though the process is different, it’s God who is
about all of the songs that made it onto the doing the creating. He is still birthing the songs.
record, Glory to Glory. He can do it in five years, and He can do it in
[WM] We got to get to know you at the end
of 2017 when your first record, God That Saves
eight months!
released. Now you have your second record. [Stephen] Yeah, again…it is that timeframe. How was the process going into Glory to We had like six years to write album number [Joel] He can do it in one week, but I’m not
Glory different? one and then we had eight months to write sure I want to try that!! (laughs)
album number two! That’s typical for most
[Joel] For the first album, we weren’t really in worship bands to have that kind of setting. [WM] Describe your writing process. Is there a
a rhythm of recording songs. That was new to But, I think for us, we were like, “How do we common procedure or element in your writing?
us. Most of the songs had been written over the continue to partner with God?” because that’s course of three or four years, and we had time what we wanted to do to birth songs. We did [Stephen] Yeah, there really is, even though
to really sit with those songs in our community not want to just be creating to create, you Joel and I are both different. I guess most
November 2018