writers are different in the way they do things. to the Lord so that we are certain to start out to create things. So, I don’t have to beg and
For me, specifically, it would be when I am just on the right foot. plead with you to be a creative God, I can just
spending time with the Lord worshiping. I try not
tell You I love You for being creative and I know
to hit record. But, if I go into a writing session [WM] We learned a lot about Iron Bell later, some of those things stick with me and Ministries last year when we talked about your they come out. Or, you know when I am writing, first record. We know that the ministry started It’s this thing about prayer that we call ‘adoration
I just hit record on melodies and some ideas… as a prayer ministry. Give us a lesson on prayer. prayer’ that we keep coming back to. It’s where
like what part of God’s character does this How has your prayer life changed over the we literally come to God saying, “I love you for
capture? I’ll literally record tons of voice memos last year? being who You are. I love You because…” It
like that, and if I’m going to Nashville to write
I’m going to see You do that through my life.”
turns up intimacy with Him and it turns up faith
(there were a lot of co-writes on this record,) I’ll [Stephen] It’s funny, you know? I’d be lying if I about who He is. It leads to this really intimate
listen to all of those voice memos on my three- didn’t say the busier you get the harder it gets. knowing of God.
hour drive to Nashville and I’ll just pray, “Holy You have to be more diligent about spending Spirit, highlight the ones You want me to work time with Him. But at the end of the day, I think [Joel] In Hebrews 11:1 it says that, “Faith is
on today.” That’s literally it. Then we just get into we are doing what we have always tried to do, being certain of what we hope for.” There is
a room and see what happens. which is to not always come to Him and ask something transformative that happens when
Him to do something, but to come to Him and you adore the Lord. You start to become
[Joel] I think one of the big words that would say “I love You because… this.” Like, “I love You certain of who He says He is. So, then the
stick out for me would be the word ‘listening.’ God for being the creative God. Your word says way that your prayer life changes, like Stephen
There is definitely craft involved in writing, but that you created things, that you spoke things said, is that you almost stop asking Him to do
on the front end, we really want to be listening into existence. You put within people Your spirit things because you’re confident that He will
November 2018