to take the resources that we have at Gateway something that we’ve transported all over the also have an International Worship Leaders
to the global Church. Those resources could’ve world, and as a result, we’ve also brought in Roundtable that we do every year. As many
been financial, processes, actual musical the sounds of the world. Every year we have as 120 different international worship pastors
resources, music itself, or teachings, etc. Our a time at the church called Global Impact come to Gateway, and we hold a summit where
heart is to give away our resources to the world Weekend where we bring in worship pastors we’re able to discuss what’s going on in their
so that the global Church has access to anything from all over the world. All six of our campus region, and how we can better steward what
we have that may be useful or beneficial. It’s a platforms are filled with worship pastors from we have and what we do to spread the gospel
matter of stewarding what God gives us for the every continent, singing in their languages. It’s and raise up young worship leaders. It’s an
greater Church, and there’s something beautiful one of our favorite weekends at Gateway. We’re incredible time for Gateway, and we feel hugely
about taking what we have and making sure able to go to where they are on our international blessed to get to walk alongside our friends in
that the global Kingdom of God is able to share trips, but we also have the honor of bringing the global community of the Church.
in what we have to offer. Worship has been them here to Gateway for that weekend. We
November 2018