now. I don’t think I’ll ever have enough of them.
different, and have a place in the lane for it.
first concert as a kid was Petra and DeGarmo &
Key. I grew up with that. Then I got a hold of a
[WM] You mentioned that guitar solos [WM] Who and what are your go to artists record called Sheep in Wolves’s Clothing, it was
might be somewhere in your future. What are and albums? by Mylon LeFevre & Broken Heart. I grew up
your thoughts about more Rock in Christian
Rock music?
a huge Mylon LeFevre fan. Then I discovered
[Zach] The Allman Brothers Live From the Classic Rock as I got older in high school, my
Fillmore would be one of them. Obviously Bob dad’s older brothers were listening to it. I cut my
[Zach] I think it’s great. The thing I love the Seger’s Night Moves is a great one. Anything teeth on listening to a lot of my dad’s records
most about what I feel my music has done for that Paul Rodgers has ever sung on I could and Christian music and as I got older started
Christian music is, if you come to one of my listen to. And, we listen to John Mayer’s Live finding music that I liked. I just fell in love with
shows and look around, I see a lot of men. From the Nokia Theatre all the time, I just think that, I feel like I took all of these singers, like
A lot of macho, tough, burly, bearded men at that record is amazing, you just get lost listening Russ Taff, who sang with so much passion and
my shows. And I’ve got the comment from to his guitar solos. But I’m just a Classic Rock emotion. For me that’s it, I want to lay it all out
several different people saying the coolest thing guy, I picked up some tickets to go see Bob every night, I want to just leave it on the stage
about coming out and seeing one of my shows Seger in January, he’s doing a farewell tour. as far as my voice. That’s what I love about Bob
is that you see a lot of people who wouldn’t So I’m going to go try and catch him before Seger and people like Gregg Allman, they sing
typically come out to a Christian music show. he’s done. from their heart and their guitar solo was their
For the most part, there have always been a
vocals, you know what I mean?
lot of women fans of CCM music, but now [WM] What would you say is the essence their husbands are starting to come with them. of a guy like Bob Seger, and what about that [WM] For more information about Zach and
And I love that, I love to see men leading their speaks to you most? his upcoming tour with Matt Maher, please visit
families. Hopefully the trend continues, I hope it
opens doors for other artists like myself to put [Zach] He sings from his soul. To me, that’s
their music out, try something that’s a little bit the way I learned to sing. So, here’s the deal, my