Gateway Worship // Greater Things
By Doug Doppler
With six locations across the Dallas-Ft. Worth contributions. We also wanted to leverage this [WM] When you started at Gateway, there
metropolitan area, Gateway Church is one of opportunity to hear from Andy Engstrom, Head was one campus with a few hundred people in
the biggest and fastest growing Churches in of Live Production at Gateway Church. Andy’s the congregation. Now there are six campuses
the United States. The latest Gateway Worship feature will be available in the December 2018 and over 40,000 people who call Gateway their
album Greater Than was released in both issue in our Church Tech + Production section. home. What are some of the specific things you
English and Spanish (Mas Grande), reflecting
the diversity of the Gateway culture.
did in the early years that became part of the
Gateway DNA and still bear fruit today?
Another thing that makes Gateway unique is the [Thomas Miller] The first thing that I did that
value they place on replicating DNA. In the first set us on the right course was that I asked that
part of this feature you’ll get a chance to hear we would experience God, in the greatest way
from Thomas Miller, Gateway’s original Worship we can, in our services. So I just made that our
Pastor. Unlike many Churches where Worship purpose statement: Our worship department
Pastors are ‘sent out to the pasture’ never to and our worship ministry purpose statement
be heard from again, Thomas Miller remains a became “To experience God in the greatest
key part of the Gateway team. You’ll also get a way possible in all of our services.” I wanted
chance to hear from Thomas’ successor Mark to be under the vision of our senior pastor, and
Harris. Gateway had the wisdom to use this wanted to make sure that I carried that out.
transition as an opportunity to pass the torch
in a way that leveraged Thomas’ contribution Another big decision that I made up front was
in the act of preparing for the future. Honor is that I wasn’t just going to focus on someone’s
the word that comes to mind, and that speaks skill or their ability. We would also focus on
of a culture that values people, not just their making sure that the people who were on
November 2018