missional are you about not losing your roots?
Gibson guy from way back. While it’s probably
not cool to say, but you look pretty cool rocking
[Zach] I listen to all kinds of music. I listen to
a Gibson…
a lot of Christian music and a lot of Worship
music still. I also listen to a lot of guitar players. I
[Zach] Thank you (laughs).
love John Mayer, I love listening to his stuff. I still
love listening to the Allman Brothers and things
like that. But I think there’s a fine balance, and
[WM] What is it about these guitars that
“Midnight Rider” // Zach Williams
speaks to you most?
obviously staying in the Word, you know, you’re know, if I was able to tie it together and explain it not going to be able to write these songs if to people it wasn’t just, “I put a Southern Rock [Zach] Man, you know, Gibson guitars have
you’re not in the Word, reading the Bible, and song on a Christian album”, and there was a always had a mystique about them, but my dad
all of that. reason behind it. But unless people bought the gave me a 1964 Gibson Blue Ridge Custom
record and have the little insert that explains acoustic guitar when I was nineteen years old.
[WM] You mentioned the Allman Brothers, it, I don’t think they understand. I remember It was the guitar that he grew up playing. I wrote
you got a little flack about the tribute you did putting something out on my Facebook page songs on it for ten years and carried it around
for Gregg Allman on the Chain Breaker album. around that time which explained why I did it. It with me everywhere that I went. I’ve had all
What are your thoughts about all of that? was kind of nice to see some of the fans come kinds of guitars, I‘ve had Martins, I’ve had
to my aid when people were kind of giving me Guilds, but I just always go back to the Gibson.
a hard time. I just love the sound, I love the feel, there’s just
[Zach] I got a little flack, I think when people
understood why I did it they said, “Okay, I get
why he put this song on his Deluxe album.” You
something about them and it’s just what I go to.
[WM] Speaking of roots, you seem to be a
November 2018
I think I’ve got about four or five Gibson guitars