profound moment, and I definitely didn’t take it a South African band named Beatenberg – too much. So, our general approach right
lightly. We tried to give people space to be real melodically, they are kings. I first came across now is only use tracks where essential - and
and raw, and to process and grieve, but at the them on the Mumford Johannesburg record, leave the rest a bit more sparse. That tends to
same time there was a thread of invincible hope which, by the way, I think is the most under- mean our up-tempo stuff is more where we use
running through the whole evening. I think the rated record of the last few years! tracks to accompany us and enrich sounds
most powerful moment for me was getting to
or parts, etc., and then we don’t do so in the
sing my new song “One Day (When We All Get [WM] What is the main guitar you’re using other songs, which also gives them lots more
to Heaven),” over everyone gathered. It was a these days? possibilities to flow spontaneously, which I love.
chance to look to the horizon and remember
A case in point - the song “Great are You Lord”
that as crazily painful and deep as our suffering [Matt] I play a Collings C-10, which I really - I’ve led this song about 15 times or so, but
can be here on this earth, one day it will be love both for songwriting and for leading. It’s a I don’t think we’ve quite led it the same way
far outweighed by the glory of Jesus and His nice compact size, which is great for travel too. once so far - it’s a song which lends itself so
heaven. I heard that guitars only got bigger for volume well to that “open-ended conversation with
advantages, not for tone reasons - and that God” approach, which I’m so fond of.
[WM] Who are some of the artists that inspire kind of makes sense - I love the tone of this
you? guitar.
[WM] What do you do to prepare yourself
before you go on the platform and lead
[Matt] Lots of them are my friends! I love [WM] How closely do you stick to the Tomlin’s knack of bringing something so rehearsed arrangement of your songs? Do you congregational and widely accessible. I love do much improvising and re-arranging of the [Matt] I remind myself who God is, and why
Tasha Cobbs Leonard’s ability to sing with such chart while leading live? He’s worthy to be honored. And remind myself
authority. In terms of the live music experience,
who I am, and why I’m not!
[Matt] Things were getting a bit “track-heavy”
tour - colorful, joyful, hopeful etc. I’m enjoying to be honest, and I was relying on that a bit
it’s hard to not be inspired by Coldplay’s latest
November 2017