humility. If you fall into pride or arrogance, you start believing that yourself. It takes some about, and also the impact that evening had on
you’re going against the current. You’re going ruthless heart-checks, and allowing others to you?
against the ways of God, and you’re just going speak into your life, to make sure you stay on to make it harder for yourself.” God opposes track. It’s especially important in these days of [Matt] Yes, I had a tour night planned for Las
the proud, but He gives grace to the humble. social media, because the opportunity for self- Vegas, with the release of Glory Song, and then
There’s not any worship leader out there who celebration and self-congratulation is immense. a few days before there was this horrendous
isn’t tempted by proud thoughts at some It says in Proverbs 27:2, “Let another praise you, mass-shooting. At first, we thought the evening
point or another, but the wise ones choose to and not your own mouth” - but you wouldn’t would be cancelled, but as we talked it through
resist them and pursue a humble approach. think that was in the bible if you looked at many with the local church we were working with,
The challenge is that a stage can be a very of our social media posts these days! I say it we decided to go ahead, but to shape it more
disorientating place. Everything about a stage jokingly, but actually, it’s quite a serious thing. as a worship-filled prayer vigil. We had 3500
elevates and magnifies. So, people don’t see In my twenty plus years of worship leading, I’ve gathered there with us, including many first-
reality - they see just a part of you - you doing never seen so much “showing off” as I see right responders, who we had the chance to honor
what you do, at your best, with none of your now. We need to re-calibrate a bit. and to pray for. We had thousands more joining
weak points or frailties, or struggles to live well
online, and that included some of the injured
the other six days of the week. It’s easy for [WM] You recently traveled to Las Vegas for victims watching from their hospital beds. I felt
people to believe that you’re better than you a service after the tragic shooting there at a so privileged to get to stand with them and
are, and of course the really scary thing is when country music festival. Tell us how that came be entrusted with that moment. It was such a
November 2017