[ BE KIND TO YOURSELF | Sheri Gould ]
As I travel, one of the hallmarks of singers that picking up on important issues that singers something like this: “There WASN’T anything
I meet is a sincere love for Jesus and desire face. I always tell the group to focus in on some about my voice that I liked”? If you are like most
to serve Him. I am consistently, deeply blessed positives in each person’s presentation. Then of the singers I work with, you went with the
by the sector of people I have the privilege to we give the positive feedback to the singer we second option more than the first. And you
work with. Another characteristic of note is are focusing on. This is always encouraging to were NOT kind in your criticisms.
this: over 90% of these singers have little to no watch. People are so upbeat and easily find training. This is striking on a number of levels. great things to say. Then we try to find a couple Can I please implore you to stop being hard
These folks are out on the front lines of ministry, of things that the singer could work on to on yourself? Do I want you to be the best
working hard week in and week out without improve. People are always careful and lovingly singer you can be? Yes. Do I think your voice is
the basic necessities of knowledge under their constructive with these critiques. I have never perfect and that you’re doing everything right?
belt. They are warriors without armor. There had to be concerned that someone would walk No. But a realistic picture is what you need.
are two really good reasons for this lack of away feeling verbally abused or discouraged. Not a picture filled with self (voice) loathing and
training: no time, and no money to give to this. I have never had to intercede to “soften the (unfair) condemnation. I need you to learn to be
It’s expensive to get good vocal training, and blow” of the comments. Never. objective about your strengths and weaknesses
as a singer so you can work toward genuine
it takes precious time out of an already crazy
improvement. So…
busy schedule. I get this.
I have a very special and unique love for
these folks serving in the trenches in their
local churches, and I would like to help. I
want to help people help themselves - that’s
why I write this column. But in order to do
so I need to start with this admonition: you
have to be kind to yourself. Most of us think
that our audience is our biggest critic. Or
perhaps we think our family members are
the cruelest in their assessment of us as
singers. We believe everyone is comparing
us to other standards and that we fall short
in their eyes. Well, I’m here to tell you that in
my experience, the person who is hardest on
you—is you.
I often teach all day Master Classes.
Sometimes I will have the opportunity to
teach people over a period of days and
We believe everyone
Here’s the plan. I want to encourage you to
is comparing us to record yourself singing on a regular basis.
other standards and refrain from instant criticism. Instead, listen
that we fall short in allowed to move to the next part until you
their eyes. Well, I’m voice/presentation. After you have found
here to tell you that to find one (max two) things that you would
in my experience, recording. Then take some time to work on
the person who is the next time, look for progress and be
hardest on you —
is you.
When you hear the recording, I want you to
for three things that you like. You are not
find three positive things to say about your
those, then, and only then, are you allowed
like to focus on improving before the next
those things. When you record and review
encouraged before looking for more things
to work on.
I know that most of you will never have the
opportunity to get private vocal training,
really get to know them. My favorite part of but you can learn to improve through this
many of the Master Classes I teach is when technique. Obviously, having a rudimentary
I get the opportunity to allow singers to get up Now let’s change environments for a minute. understanding of how the voice works (breath
in front of the group and sing for each other. Let’s switch to you. Let’s recall the first time support, relaxation, proper intonation, etc) is
This is SO FUN. Everyone learns during this you ever heard a recording of yourself singing. vital, but with those things in the back of your
process. It’s fun to help coach others and get Were you kind to yourself? Did you first try to mind as you approach improvement, you will
lots of feedback. One thing that always brings find some things about your voice that you get better if you try this!
me joy is how really astute these folks are at really liked? Or would your response have been
November 2017