that they are always part of the leadership team. people grow up. It takes two interviews to hire decision after twenty-seven years to no longer
At our church that means they’re involved in an employee in the church. It takes a lifetime to organize the Soul Survivor Festivals, choosing
everything. They’re involved in discerning what raise up sons and daughters. What we’ve got to to work alongside other Christian festivals and
happens with the youth work, the outreach, do is we’ve got to raise up sons and daughters, ministries. Do you have any thoughts on this?
all of the other pastor work, because worship and it takes a lifetime of commitment, but they is part of a whole, it’s not its own department flourish. An employee, you hire and you fire, [MIke] We stopped Soul Survivor because
that’s walled off from everybody else. We want and Jesus didn’t do it like that, Jesus invested God told us to, that’s the bottom line. Very
to encourage worship leaders and musicians in people until they flourished. And that’s what clearly, He said to focus on serving the rest of
to see their role as more than playing an we’ve got to do, we’ve got to do church as the church. Just before talking to you I spoke
instrument. It’s about leading people, and if family, because that’s how people grow. to one of the folks who is starting up a new
you are to lead people and you play bass, you
festival, and I am supporting them all. We want
know what? You need to be nice, and you need I was at a leadership conference a while ago to help leaders, and we want to help leaders
to be kind. If there is a thirteen-year-old that is where I heard a leader talk to other leaders and of churches and organizations. It’s not about
standing there watching you, go up to them say, “If you want to grow a big church, if you us, it’s never been about us. It’s always been
and say, “Hey, I saw you watching, are you into want to grow a successful church like mine, about Him. You know, last summer was our
music?” They say, “Oh, I love the bass but I’m then what you’ve got to do is look for the best, last summer, and we had 32,500 young people
not very good.” Then say, “Oh really? Let’s sit and find the best, and then hire the best to be come. People were saying, how could you stop
down together.” It’s about giving it away, and on your staff. And that’s how your church will when it’s been so successful? The answer is
you do it for Jesus. grow.” And part of me wanted to say, “How that God told us to, if He tells us to stop, then
could you say that to the poor pastor of St. we stop. The truth is that from the beginning
So, in the end, what we’ve got to do as Botolph in the Marsh, who’s got a congregation God never said I’ll build Soul Survivor, He only
leaders, is we’ve got to look for musicians of twenty-seven and a dog? How is he or she said I’d build my church. We at Soul Survivor
who love Jesus or are on a journey towards going to buy the best?” Some of us have got knew we were existing for a season to serve
Jesus, rather than gifting. It helps if they’re to raise the best for you to buy the best, and our church, and when our fun was up it’s a relay
musically competent, but character has to be Jesus didn’t buy the best. He didn’t go to the race and we hand on the baton. That’s what I
the first thing, it has to be, Biblically. If you have universities, he raised the best, and after three see.
character and you work hard you grow in your years with Jesus, they were phenomenal. It’s gifting. There are those who are gifted where seeing what someone can be. The responsibility Actually now, as I get older and older, the things
you can see the potential, but we as pastors is ours as pastors. If you’re a worship pastor I’m most proud of are not how many people
need to invest in them so that they encounter your responsibility and the best thing you can came to our events, how many people bought
Jesus at a deeper level, and they lead from that do, is to raise up spiritual sons and daughters. my books, how many people listened to or
watched our videos and podcasts. There are
[WM] There are many that would sooner men and women serving Jesus all over the
What I’m talking about is discipleship, and it’s attempt to plant a new church than make world, and I had the privilege of playing a part
about family, and you know what? We need a contribution and commitment within an in their lives. That’s the joy old men and women
leaders. Paul said to the Corinthians, “You existing local church. Because I live in a highly have. Seeing their grandkids and their great
have ten thousand teachers, you do not have churched area, I sometimes wonder if there grandkids running around doing wonderful
many fathers”. Around teachers, people learn might be a greater calling in becoming an things, and saying, “I invested in them, and look
things, but around spiritual mothers and fathers influencer. I know that you’ve recently made the at the fruit.” It’s getting a different perspective.
May 2020
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