like John the Baptist was. And you know what? he said have affected Christians for centuries
[WM] Mike, you have an amazing history in People will come because they are hungry and since. And who would have guessed it? That
the church. You have impacted so many, and they are thirsty, and they want to see something was the best place for him, because so often
your contribution to youth via Soul Survivor different, not just a pale imitation of the world God takes us to the boring, the lonely, and the
Church and the years of Soul Survivor Festivals around them. It’s about dependence on Him. hidden places, to prepare us so that He can
is immeasurable. Interestingly, you have never What else is there? What else can it possibly use us.
“dumbed-down” the Gospel to young people. be?
You’ve always taught and encouraged Biblical
We just want the spectacular places, we want
fluency, obedience to God’s Word, ministry time, [WM] In closing, 50 years ago I read a little a “McDonald’s spirituality”, instant spirituality.
evangelism, public service, real worship, risk book called, The Practice of the Presence of You can’t get instant spirituality! A Big Mac is
taking, and becoming “naturally supernatural”. God, by Brother Lawrence. I was shaken to my fine, it’s cheap and its quick, but it’s not that
What advice do you have to church workers, core. I recently heard you in an interview talking nutritious. If you want a really nutritious meal
youth leaders, and worship teams in modeling about this book, which I’m sure many young it can take a while to prepare it. You need to
the truths of the Gospel to the young, and worship leaders have never heard of. How can marinade the meat, you need to cook it slowly,
continuing in zeal for the cause of Christ? this book help to expose them, and church and it takes time. There are too many “Big Mac”
musicians, to what’s really important? Christians in the world, instant spirituality. What
[Mike] Simple, simple things. Stay close to
God wants to do is He wants to marinade us
Jesus. Stay submitted to the Bible. Let the [Mike] Brilliant! If you want to get it, try to get it slowly so that we will taste delicious to a broken
Bible read you and read God’s word. Also in the modern translation. It’s not an easy read world, and that’s the bit that’s often missing.
understand that so often in history the crowd in some ways, because it’s from hundreds of has been wrong. And there has been few that years ago, but the story is incredible. It’s about So, I want to encourage leaders of young
God has raised up. I keep thinking of John the this guy in France, who was a monk called people of the future, don’t hold back from
Baptist. It’s better to have air conditioning than Brother Lawrence. He went to the monastery, taking them deeper, don’t hold back from
no air conditioning, it’s better to have big car and all he wanted to do was to go out on the challenging them about their spiritual discipline.
parks that to not have enough car parks, all mission field and to do lots of important things, There is so much more, let’s get beyond the
of that. But you know what? People went for and the Abbott just put him in the kitchen. hype and the slickness and the publicity. Let’s
miles through the desert of Judea, to the River For quite a while he was struggling with what spend time in the boring and the lonely and the
Jordan. I’ve been there, its inhospitable, its hot, he was doing, washing dishes in the kitchen. hidden places, which are the places where God
its dry, its agony. They went there to listen to He thought he should be out there having an forms us.
John the Baptist, and they flocked, because he impact, that he was wasting his life. Then it was a voice crying in the wilderness, and he dawned on him, that if he was going to spend [WM] Mike, thank you so very much for your
wasn’t an echo. the rest of his life being in the kitchen, then kindness and this time together.
God could be with him in the kitchen and that
So often, we as leaders, the temptation can be he could practice the presence of God whilst [Mike] Alex, it’s great to talk to you, and great
the trendy thing. But what people are actually washing the dishes. And he did. As a result, to be back in contact. It’s a joy to chat with you.
looking for, and I think they especially will be at this poor monk just washed dishes, and he met God Bless You.
the end of this Covid-19, Coronavirus disaster, God in that place, and practiced the presence is authenticity. We need to be authentic and we of God, and as a result God gave him such need to have a voice, we need to be prophetic wisdom that some of the simple things that
May 2020
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