is now in Nashville. Matt was our first worship that I taught them, I didn’t teach Matt Redman to be reined in. That’s never going to work, and
pastor, Tim was our second worship pastor, anything! It was that we learned together. it’s about growing together to be honest.
our present worship pastor is a guy called Tom Lots of worship leaders don’t have pastors [WM] I’m concerned that many of today’s
Smith who is starting to write beautiful songs. who have that relationship with them. I was church musicians might lack the faith “stuff”
Ben was our third worship pastor, and now
best man at Matt’s wedding, I was best man that was flourishing in the late 90’s and early
The way it works is in friendship. I have a at Tim’s wedding, we became friends. I would 2000’s. We were all learning, and even though
friendship with all of our worship leaders, that’s encourage pastors to find a worship leader who it was at times a bit messy, so many of us
where trust comes, and it’s about trust. It’s loves music and loves God more than anything were filled with anticipation, compassion, and
about giving them space to experiment, to get else, who also loves people, and invest in them setting the course for a new musical expression
it wrong, but also to give boundaries, which are and you have no idea what could happen. that demanded intimacy with the Lord. Any
Biblical boundaries. For example, whenever our Worship leaders, they’re like flowers, they thoughts on this?
worship leaders first write songs, I’ll look at the bloom when the sun shines on them, and they lyrics and the first question is, “Is this Biblical”? don’t when it doesn’t. Encouragement is like [Mike] I think this is the battle that the church
I won’t tell them that, I’ll ask, “Is there a better sunshine, encouragement changes everything. constantly faces. For some reason we keep
way this could be phrased?” and I’ll explain my The number of worship leaders who write a moving away from intimacy and we replace
thinking, and then I’ll give them an opportunity song and think it’s rubbish, and all they need it with performance. Then there has to be
to disagree, because I could be very wrong. is a, “No it’s not, this is what I like about it…” a reformation and the Spirit woos us back
And that’s the thing, it’s in collaboration that And then they start to believe in themselves and there is a new generation that comes up
everyone grows. The number of times after a and they start to flourish. There is a place for who love intimacy, and then we try to turn it
meeting I would in an excited way talk about giving boundaries, because in the end, we’re into something that we can market. Then the
how the meeting went, and about how we lead pastors. But it’s done in friendship, and it’s Holy Spirit has to do it again, and I’ve seen it
people into God’s presence, and choices, and done in collaboration. It’s done by explaining, again and again to be honest. I think it’s just
progression, all of that sort of stuff. It wasn’t rather than seeing them as someone who has reminding ourselves with our worship leaders,
May 2020
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