you about this new defining moment?
gatherings, but to be out where real people are Redman and Tim Hughes came “up” through
in the marketplace to show them the love of your teaching. As creatives, it’s so healthy
[Mike] First of all, I agree with you completely. God. The Holy Spirit comes to reveal Jesus to when our bosses and pastors give us a long
This is a defining moment! We as the church, people more than anything else. Whenever we leash, trusting us and cultivating our creative
I hope we can learn new ways to serve the allow Him to use us to move in power, to speak bents. Tell us about this dynamic for you over
society around us; to wash feet, to love our the Truth to peoples’ hearts to them, what the years. For a pastor, what is the balance
enemies, to go the second mile. To not see always happens is Jesus’ love is revealed. His between the controlling and the creative?
those that disagree with us as enemies to be kindness. His goodness.
defeated, but as potential brothers and sisters
[Mike] (laughs) Oh my word! That’s a
to be led into the Kingdom. That’s number And I think these are the things out of this, I conference! First of all, just a little bit about how
one, I think number two is we need to learn pray, and I desperately hope, that we learn. I it’s worked for me and our worship leaders. I
to get more dependent on God and rely less think many will turn to Jesus when they see was born to be a worship leader apart from one
on our advertising and simply our abilities and Jesus more clearly in His church. It’s not that thing. God did not give me any ability or talent
our talents. We need to press in and lean on we haven’t so far, but I long that we do it or gifting with music whatsoever. I have been a
Him. We need to go out there with words with greater dependence, with greater trust in frustrated worship leader. I love worship, and
declaring the Gospel fearlessly but kindly, with Him, and receive His compassionate love for it was through worship that I was changed.
words of service. We should be the first to feed those who we might sometimes think are our To worship is to change. So, I’ve wanted to
the hungry, to care for the poor, to love the enemies. serve worship leaders, to encourage them,
outcast, and to welcome the stranger. But also,
to challenge them, to partner with them, and
with words, works and wonders. We need to [WM] You’ve been a pastor and partner to that’s what we’ve done from all these years.
depend on the ministry and the power of the some of the most impactful worship leaders I’ve known Matt since he was thirteen and Tim
Spirit not in order to have great Christian mega- and songwriters in the world. Both Matt since he was twelve, and Ben Cantelon, who
May 2020
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