Pandemic. You’re in England. I’m in Nashville. said that we can’t wait to all be back in the to ask questions that they haven’t asked for a
Our entire public entertainment culture is shut same room, it’s just not the same. We’ve tried while. “Gosh, I can’t control this life, maybe I’m
down. No movie theaters. No performing arts to find ways of pastoring our church; we send not as powerful as I thought?” “What is this life
theaters. No live music. No public gatherings. them regular messages, we sent them video about?” Start to ask these eternal questions.
No distractions. It’s a sobering time. Our messages from us, we write to them, we do an Jacob Javits Convention Center in New York online church, we do a podcast everyday that’s We’re trying to do what everyone else is trying
City, where I have visited several times for the six or seven minutes long. So, every day they to do, which is care for our people in any way
annual Toy Fair, has now been converted into get something from us. We’ve got our prayer- that we can.
a makeshift hospital for virus patients. With line, we’ve got a phone number that is manned the difficult decision to close down church all day and all evening for those that are in [WM] Every generation has their defining
gatherings, how is the UK church family coping trouble. We’re trying to find all sorts of ways, moments. For our parents it was the Great
with everything, and being limited to online and it makes you realize what is important and Depression, the London Blitz, and World War
technology for visual connection? We’re now what’s not important, and what’s important is II. For those in our age group these moments
having to give “air hugs” with our brethren. loving one another and being present. We’re include the murders of JFK and Martin Luther
trying to show our church as much as we can King, the death of Princess Diana, and the AIDS
[Mike] It’s a challenge. The situation here, that we’re here to care for them in any way that crisis. And our younger generation now have a
like for you, is horrific. I haven’t seen another we can. worldwide virus that will change everything. It’s
human being in the flesh for a week and a half
almost as though they, and us, will all be given
because I’m in quarantine. What we’re doing This is a tragedy, the deaths, and God doesn’t a blank sheet of paper to start over, when this
is using social media as much as possible, bring these things, but He works in them. I disease is finished. No one knows what our
and we’re using the old-fashioned things like wonder if out of this we may find two things. world, our economies, our societies, our social
phoning people and sending messages to The church at the end is softer and gentler and gatherings and educational approaches will be
people. We’ve realized, we just had a pastors kinder, more prayerful, and more dependent on like, so it’s a good time for us to rethink our
meeting over Zoom the other day, and we all Him, and also maybe the world around us starts Christianity and retool for what’s next. What say
May 2020
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