don’t feel called to do it that way, and so we’re
Institute (CFNI) in Dallas, TX?
It’s so fun to know you’re releasing a record
still in that season of asking the Lord to show
that people are already connecting with and
us the true strategy for our family, for how this [Kari] I started leading when I was in my leading in their churches, and you’re kind of
works for us. Just being peaceful, hearing the youth group growing up in Texas. I kept leading just releasing the whole painting. I was kind
Lord, following our peace. worship all through my teenage years, then of releasing puzzle piece by puzzle piece that
went off to Oral Roberts University and got to people were connecting with, but releasing the
[Cody] We’re not just husband and wife doing be a part of the teams there for a few years. whole record feels like giving the full picture of
this together, we have two different expressions But then, CFNI was a huge pivotal shift from the season of my life that I’ve been in with the
which is actually kind of fun. We can really being a young girl into a young woman, I got Lord, and the encounters with God that I’ve
express ourselves individually at times, but we to record “Revelation Song” and God really had. Each song, I can remember every moment
also get to lead worship together and do this began to really… I would say… that CFNI was that each song was written, because it was just
together. We’re both really involved in each the catapult of God turning it all into more of a such an impactful and unique encounter with
other’s projects, we’re both being a help to calling than a career. God each time. That was really important for me,
get those things done and to speak into those
to write these songs out of those encounters,
things. So, we do everything together, but just [WM] Cody, you’ve recently released a full new while they were being created, while they were
kind of in individual ways sometimes. project, Run to the Father. In our September being brought to the surface and put on paper
interview, we discussed several of the songs that there is an encounter with God happening.
[Kari] This might be fun to note, too. I love on it which at the time, were only available as And I can say that about each of these songs,
getting to be a mom, so it’s beautiful sometimes singles. What’s your initial feedback, hope for, it’s really special and I believe people will have
when maybe just Cody is needed and I get to and level of satisfaction in releasing this new similar encounters with God in these songs
just put my mom hat on and stay home. That’s collection? when they’re listened to and they’re led. I’m so
been really special for me as well. I think in all
excited, so proud, and I love that it’s connecting
of it the Lord just honored the deep desires of [Cody] I’m so excited about it, and I’m so our hearts, we’re getting to live out what we proud of it. I love the way I even released it. I dreamed. Its really been a gift. loved the journey of that. For me it was so fun [WM] Kari, I would love to ask you something
to release it a song at a time and it really just that’s been on my mind. So many folks trace
[WM] Kari, did you begin leading worship exceeded my expectations with how much the their beginnings to Waco, TX, yourself included.
while a student at Christ For the Nations church grabbed a hold of those early songs. Everyone from actor/comedian Steve Martin
May 2020
the way that it is.
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