and actress Jennifer Love-Hewitt, to the naming her child after a child that was really do what He wanted to do. God says that He
ministry beginnings of Dave Crowder, Louie impacted in this whole thing. Long story short, functions through sowing and reaping, and it
Giglio, and Word Records. To me, there is it was Donald Trump, and it was traced back to takes time for seeds that are sewn to grow and
a prophetic dynamic involved here because this revival that happened in Scotland. So, it’s to bear fruit. And I believe we’re experiencing
although Waco has its charms and is a really interesting that you mentioned Scotland. some fruit from seeds that were sown years
wonderful place to live (my wife is from Waco), I was impacted by Kathryn Scott, massively. I and years ago, and that have been watered
and Chip and Joanna Gaines are busy fixing was a young girl being impacted by this sound by people getting in the word and worshiping.
it up, it’s is not exactly the “crossroads of the coming out of that music. These things don’t just happen overnight. I just
world”. Have you given this any thought? For
think what’s beautiful is that there is probably a
its smallish size, God’s favor seems to be upon Who knows who is praying, or who is praying for lot of people that sowed some seeds and we’re
it. Many years ago, while at a Vineyard worship revival in the land, in Waco? Texas is just a good getting to eat the fruit right now.
conference in Glasgow, Scotland, God gave place regardless of where you are, I love Texas. me a word about Scotland, and His favor upon My great grandmother was a praying woman, [WM] Ya’ll have been so kind to visit with me.
it via John Knox, the Scottish Reformation, she was an intercessor. My Dad is a very Godly God Bless you both and your calling to the
the Presbyterian church, and King James VI. man with an evangelist heart and is ministry and church. You’re making a huge contribution.
I remember Kathryn Scott, who was actually missions minded. So, the heritage even just in Thank you!
raised in Northern Ireland, was part of that my own family is very rooted and grounded worship team in Scotland. in the things of the Lord. So, I don’t know, I [Cody] Thank you so much for that, thanks
think that’s so interesting. There are probably for having us! Great interview. We can’t wait to
[Kari] That’s really interesting, and I haven’t just a lot of praying grandmas that we don’t read it.
really thought about this all too much. But it even know who are impacting these thoughts makes me think of something. Just this last and ideas. The prayers of the righteous avail week, we saw this video of two women, and us much the Lord says. And its pretty beautiful they were praying for revival in their city. This because I remember being a young girl and woman came and brought her family and hearing people praying for revival and praying ended up being so impacted by these women. for denominational barriers to come down and It’s a crazy story. The daughter then ended up praying for the Spirit to come to America and
May 2020
[Kari] Thank you!
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