[WM] You’ve both been tremendously gifted us up to get married and we had no idea. We love cheering him on, it never feels competitive.
as worship leaders, artists, and songwriters. were just good friends, and there was a special Thankfully we both feel called to worship, I think
As a married couple, ministering together is an friendship. What’s beautiful about that now, if he was doing country music or a different
incredible blessing granted to you as a team. we’re coming in on almost six years married, genre it would be trickier, because there are
But you also have separate times of calling due I feel like I saw this happening. I saw this so many different paths that we’d be having
to those same gifts and talents, and they’re not happening with Cody. I’m eight years older, to go down. But we get to do this together,
without potential pitfalls. They require travel, and I’ve been doing this a little longer, so when and we get to carry the weight together. We’re
separate promotional schedules and radio Cody would share stuff with me, even when we super excited about what God is doing with
interviews, and professional commitments. How were just dating, I saw this coming for him. I “The Blessing”, because it’s helping us be able
do you esteem each other’s gifting and guard to minister together a lot more, and its been
against any rivalry or creative competition? such a desire and a cry of our hearts for that
to happen. There has been a lot of navigating,
[Kari] I think what’s beautiful is we were best thankfully we can hear the voice of the Lord.
friends for quite a few years before we got There are times when we really have to lean
married. We would even have coffee hangs in and ask Him what to do. Because it’s not
as friend to just cheer each other on, and talk conventional, and we don’t want to just do it like
about what God was doing and what we felt a normal artist. Some artists, they travel, travel,
called to. It’s funny, because God was setting
Cover the Earth
May 2020
travel, and they’re away from their families. We
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