have the macro lens perspective of the world.
Something that I’m extremely grateful for is that
I’ve had the opportunities to rough it in a van on
a secular tour and then be put up in a bus on a
Christian tour. Because I’ve had the experience
of roughing it and also a more bougie lifestyle of
touring, it helps with having the perspective that
there is more to the world than the Christian
industry. So what I try to shed light on anytime
I’m in that scene, is to not get caught up on little
things that don’t matter when the whole point
of what we’re doing is to pursue excellence,
love others, and that’s all we can do. It’s such a
weird topic because there are people within the
Christian bubble who are just incredible human
beings. Then you can run into people that are
just frankly not in it for the right reasons.
[WM] Sometime in the next 24 hours you’ll
be sitting in a room with a bunch of musicians
you’ve never played with. What are some of
the practical things you’ve done to make sure
you’re totally prepared, literally from the first
downbeat of rehearsal?
[Garrett] This is cool because we have two
weeks of rehearsals before the tour starts. On
this tour I’m going to be running tracks and
everything, but the MD sent me bounces of
the sessions with exactly how the track was
going to be laid out. Essentially what I do with
Late Night with Judah and the Lion
anything is I listen to the songs to the point that
I can sing them top to bottom and know where
out into the world with some real people that [Garrett] What I’ve found it to look like, I love
have differences from you, and learning how the Christian industry so much, and it’s brought
to co-exist and be a light. It’s crazy, often after so much light to the world and to people, but
being in the Christian industry and touring and I also feel like the Christian industry can be a
then being in the secular industry and touring, cop-out for some people. I’ve run into people
I run across a lot of people in the secular world who do it wanting to feel some sort of success
that are more of a light than a lot of people in and fame knowing they couldn’t get it in the
the Christian industry. That’s unfortunate but it secular industry. The Christian industry is a
happens. little more, I guess, easy to break into if you
do it right, and you can have that success.
[WM] I’m gonna draw you further into the fray There’s this bubble of getting so caught up in
with a phase I’ve found myself using upon more the touring and music world of the Christian
than one occasion – ‘Christian bubble’. What bubble, and feeling entitled and getting so
does the Christian bubble look like to you? caught up in what you’re doing that you don’t
May 2019
all the stops are, where all the moments are,
be able to sing it from memory. Then once I’m
that comfortable with where the song is I sit
down and I just jam to the songs for a day and
really get them in my hands. Then I program out
my SPD-SX and stuff, though for this I haven’t
practiced with my SPD-SX because I’m so
familiar with the songs. I’m to a point where I
could incorporate those electronics without
ever having to practice them essentially. It’s a
lot of listening, a lot of internalizing, and then a
few days of shedding. Because of this specific
scenario where I was in the studio all last week
and I didn’t have time to practice it was a lot of
internalizing and mental practice.
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