in a selfish way?
[Garrett] The first thing is like, if you go into
any hang, you go out for a coffee meeting, or for
a drink, or you go out for lunch, whatever it is,
if your mentality going into that has any sort of
“What can I get out of this?” mentality, you are
setting yourself up for failure. My biggest thing
is, with my personality too, is who do you want
to surround yourself with? The phrase, “You
are the culmination of your six best friends” or
whatever that phrase is, like the closest people
in your life to you, who you surround yourself
with, you are the sum of. So if you’re wanting
to be a musician or a drummer, whatever you
want to do, you have to find who you want to be
mentored by, who you want to grow with, who
you want to walk in life with, and start there.
Reach out to them with the intention of how
you can just live life with this person, and then
naturally friends want to help each other, friends
want to see each other succeed, they want to
work with each other. Out of true friendships
come true opportunities.
People say, “Oh, you’ve got to be great at what
you do”. That’s true, but when you’re on a tour,
we’ll start rehearsals – there’s that vetting you and I have a mutual friend that we both
process. But with this, when they first reached love, it’s like there’s an immediate trust I can
out, they reached out solely because of skill have with you, because I know if you guys are
and what I was able to do. The person that was tight, and we’re tight, then I’m most likely going
playing with them before just wasn’t delivering, to be tight with you too. I think that helps, me
and they were really impressed with what I did really being tight with a lot of other people that
and thought I would crush it, so we started are on this tour. But there are a lot of things I still
out with conversations based on that first. But don’t know about them, I don’t know if they’re
then we had multiple conversations, you know, believers, what their lifestyles are like, what their
genuine. I would just jump on the phone with Roy, the morals and choices are.
[WM] This tour is with a band you’ve never how’s it going, what’s up?” and we would just But I feel like there’s a line, like yeah if you’re
chat. being attacked in your faith and you really feel
people want to feel safe with the people they
are with, and they want to feel like they can
trust you, and not feel that they are being taken
advantage of. They want their friends to be on
the road with them. Once you establish that,
then the musicianship kicks in and you’ve got
to be able to deliver. You can’t just be a friend
and suck at your craft, you’ve got to be good,
but you’ve also got to be a good hang and be
actually met in person. What do you look for
and what do you do to keep your eyes open
lead singer, and we would just talk, like, “Hey,
uncomfortable like you can’t express your faith,
Then, come to find out that the tour was I totally believe you should step down if it’s
actually opening for Lovelytheband, and low pushing you to the edge. But, I do secular tours
wrong bunch of people? and behold I’m really good friends with all of all the time where I’m around people who don’t
the people in that band. So when he told me believe in God, and I think that’s awesome
[Garrett] This is the only tour I’ve ever played that I was like, “Oh, I love Mitch! I love Sam, I because that’s a tool to just be yourself and to
love Jordan and Blake, those are my dudes!” pour into them, and just show love and have
So then we started this conversation of both conversations. I think that’s what this life is
having known these guys and they’re friends, all about, getting out of that Christian bubble
so then there’s that natural safeness. It’s like if and just feeling safe all the time, and getting
when it comes to not stepping into a nightmare
situation where you’re stuck on a bus with the
with an artist where I’ve never met them before.
Usually someone will reach out and we’ll get
coffee, hang, chat, feel things out, and then
May 2019
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