[Garrett] That’s a good question, I like that Not to network for networking sake, but to some sort of electronics. I music direct a lot,
it’s in two parts, being technology as in social build friendships, and to build community and so I’m either building tracks and running live
media and networking, and then technology as make lifelong friends all over the world, which tracks in Ableton, or running sections where
in electronics on the kit. Both are very crucial in to me is the whole point of what we do, it’s the I’m programming my SPD-SX, and triggers on
today’s modern music, everything from Country community. The music will fade one day but the kit, all of that. Or you know, like, triggering
to Pop is incorporating more electronics. friendships can last a whole lifetime, so that’s samples. It’s becoming crucial, because we
the whole purpose. With apps like Jammcard now have to tools to play with click and play with
On the networking side of things it’s changed you can be hyper focused on one niche thing, tracks, we have the tools to sound even more
my life completely and has given me a multitude which is the music community. That was one perfect than before. With that, people want to
of opportunities. That’s something I got into in of those things I knew was going to be cool hear the sounds off of the record, so you start
college, like the whole Instagram thing, but and I wanted to jump on sooner than later and layering triggers and samples on top of your
since then I use it all the time. For one, it’s an try to connect with as many people as I can. real drums to make them sound like exactly
immediate portfolio of who you are as an artist, It’s been cool to see how social media has what was in the record. That’s becoming more
so I’m constantly uploading videos of concerts. been an incredible tool to grow my brand and and more prominent, it’s almost becoming the
I’m uploading things I’m doing on the road, business, but also to grow my friendships and baseline where you just have to do that.
projects I’m doing, and at the same time while communities, and meet people that I would that’s portraying a nice feed of who I am as a have probably never fathomed I’d be friends [WM] I kind of loathe the word ‘networking’
player and a person. I’m also messaging other with today. because it tends to be a ‘what can you do for
drummers, producers, music directors, artists,
me’ kind of thing. What advice do you have
instrumentalists. I’m trying to reach out and On the other side of that, behind the kit, I rarely for musicians wanting to up their social media
connect with as many people as I can. ever play a gig where I’m not incorporating connections and career game without doing it
Barton Drum Kit with Jagwar Twin
May 2019
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