Then we jump in tomorrow with rehearsals, important I think. So what I try to do is show I’m not going to lie. I’m flying my own cymbals,
where we’re going through the tracks and up, I play the part, play what’s on the track, but my own snare, kick pedal, SPD-SX, and I’m
electronics and hammering down where my I kind of embellish it and go for it a bit. Then endorsed by Evans drumheads, Promark
parts are going to be. So this is not like you either they will be like, “Maybe dial it back here” sticks, and Paiste cymbals. I already have my
show up and play your part, it’s more show up or they might be like, “Go for it.” Or if I hear cymbals and sticks, but I reached out to Evans
and develop your part. Then we will start music something it’s just having the confidence to and they’re shipping me some heads for the
rehearsals, then the following week is full band say it after you’ve already delivered the part tour, so those will be at the rehearsal space.
rehearsals. to them. If you show up not knowing the parts and then you start trying to make suggestions, As far as the drum kit, I’m not with a drum
[WM] Like most drummers I know, your that’s just dumb (laughs). But if you show up company particularly. I didn’t want to ship one
musicianship does not stop at the kit. How and crush the part and give them everything of my kits and honestly didn’t have the time to.
do you manage your producer instincts when they want I think that gives you some freedom I called some buddies and none of them really
you hear things that might benefit from some to say, “Hey what do you guys think about this had a kit that I was wanting for this tour. So I
input during the rehearsal process when you’re in that section?” And you kind of earn your title reached out to Andy Butcher, who is one of the
working with a band when you’re ‘the new and your voice because you’ve delivered what A&R’s for Barton Drum Company and Todd the
guy’? they’ve already asked for. owner saying I have been loving Barton Drums
[Garrett] My mindset with that is usually [WM] I take it that you’re using a back-lined out for this tour. Andy said, “We don’t have a
always that, these guys hired me for my skills, kit, and if you are how do you manage that backline kit in LA, but let me reach out to Todd
so they clearly know what I can do. If they part of the gig, in terms of what you request, about what you’re doing and let’s see if we can
wanted someone who could just play the part what you bring, what you settle for and what get something worked out.” So we worked out
exactly they could have got anybody. But they you won’t. a killer deal on a beautiful beach drum set. It’s
asking if there was a kit I could potentially take
like what I do for a specific reason, so knowing
that and walking in with that confidence is
the specs and the color that I wanted, and he
[Garrett] This tour has actually been hectic,
May 2019
gave it to me for an incredible deal. I’m using
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