than what you originally felt comfortable in?
[Evan] Yep, for sure. For me, that discomfort
is where soul growth happens. My spiritual
director calls it the “sweet spot.” It’s that space
where I’m highly motivated to do something
uniquely challenging. It’s part of how God
created humans to flourish. When we’re
highly motivated to do something easy, it’s
probably not our sweet spot. That’s more like a
hobby. I might be motivated and gifted to lead
worship. But there came a point for me when
leading worship every Sunday was no longer
uncomfortable or challenging. I could coast and
“After several years in the worship
music industry, I felt spiritually
untethered to a degree. I needed to
quiet my soul and sit under older,
wiser folks who had devoted their
lives to studying the intersection of
gospel and culture.” Evan Wickham
collect a paycheck. Don’t get me wrong, I love
leading worship and still do it a ton. But there
came a point when I became highly motivated
to help people think through the intersection
of gospel and culture. For me this involved
going to seminary and getting trained for
leadership and church planting. This was very
uncomfortable. Terrifying at times. It still is. And
I don’t think I’m very good at it. Which means [Evan] Songwriting has become more of a
it’s probably my sweet spot right now. moving target for me. Writers retreats and co-
write trips were more of a priority when I had
[WM] One of your giftings has been in the a publishing deal. Now my writing is usually
area of songwriting. done over text or email. Audio Messages are
Would you clarify your
collaborative process in songwriting?
amazing for this! Now that the dust has settled
after moving back to San Diego, I have time to
March 2019
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