set up my co-writing space in our new garage. Holy Spirit today. At Park Hill we take the book have any previous “higher education” following
Pumped about that. of Acts as a vision of what church life can be high school graduation?
rather than an account of what it once was.
[WM] Has becoming a lead* pastor in addition This means we eagerly desire the spiritual gifts [Evan] After several years in the worship
to your worship leader history, changed your and especially prophecy, making room every music industry, I felt spiritually untethered to
viewpoint on the dynamics of either calling? week for the expression of those gifts together a degree. I needed to quiet my soul and sit
(*Park Hill has opted not to use the language of as a family. All this kingdom activity happens in under older, wiser folks who had devoted their
“senior” pastor for a few reasons) a context where music and singing are central. lives to studying the intersection of gospel and
It’s no coincidence that Paul’s stuff on Spirit- culture. I wanted seminary training, but I had
[Evan] A healthy church is a singing church. filled singing (Eph. 5:18–20) feeds directly into a BA in theology from an unaccredited online
Church planting has only further convinced his stuff on healthy interpersonal dynamics Bible College. Thankfully, Western’s faculty
me of this. I am committed to the authority (Eph. 5:21–6:9). helped me navigate the acceptance process.
of Scripture, even where it flies in the face
I enrolled at Western Seminary in the fall of
of tradition, culture, or fashion. I am just as [WM] How has going back to school 2014 and finished my M.Div. last December.
committed to experiencing (and not just helped you in your “calling”? What were the Seminary isn’t for everyone, but it was great for
believing in) the presence and power of the components of making that decision? Did you me. A good seminary experience is really just
March 2019
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