The Evan Wickham Interview
By Alexander MacDougall
[WM] It’s great to speak with you. We haven’t been your ministry trek over the years, leading partnering with diverse Christian traditions lit a
seen each other in a couple of years, and I’m up to those recent changes? fire in me for the global church. Soon it became
aware that there have been some huge changes
clear we would be planting a church. But in
in your life and ministry. Would you update us [Evan] If you would’ve told me ten years ago order to plant a healthy church, we needed to
on those changes since leaving Portland, OR? that I would be leading a church, I would have immerse ourselves in a fresh context. In 2013
thought you were crazy. I’m a megachurch we moved to Portland where we learned a ton
[Evan Wickham] Great to speak with you worship pastor’s kid who grew up around lots about leadership and healthy authority. I went
too! Yeah, a ton has shifted for us. After serving of authoritative, charismatic senior pastors. I to Western Seminary and got my Master of
as worship pastor at a church in Portland, we saw enough of the dark side of church leaders Divinity. That was an incredible experience. In
were sent back home to San Diego to plant to know I wasn’t interested in becoming one. the summer of 2017 we moved back to San
a church here in the urban core. We officially Thankfully, my parents consistently modeled Diego and planted Park Hill. The church officially
launched on Christmas Eve 2017. Now my authentic faith. They were the same kind, launched that Christmas Eve. I absolutely love
wife Sandy and I have the joy of leading a new real people on and off stage. Their love kept what the Spirit is up to in this city.
community called Park Hill Church alongside an me focused. I owe my love for the church in amazing team of gifted leaders. large part to them. My wife and I were youth [WM] It’s amazing how the Lord can reinvent
pastors for seven years. Then in 2007 we made us, sometimes many times. Were you ever
the transition to full time music. Writing and intimidated by the thought of doing things other
[WM] You certainly defy the odds! What has
March 2019
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