Worship Musician March 2019 | 页面 8

watched it and the more we listened to it, we what she does for the Bridge ministry, the list to pick up the guitar several years back. What started talking to my team and other people, just goes on. She’s always giving herself away was the transition like? What has that meant to and everyone said, “You should release this on and I’ve learned a lot from her. To watch her you since? CD!” And I’m going golly, how many records just be present, she’s present with everybody, am I going to saturate the market with? (laughs) whether it’s the President of the United States [Michael] I’m mainly still leading on piano. I don’t want people to start going, “Oh no, here or some orphan in Africa, or just any ordinary You know, every once in a while, at a concert if comes Michael W with another record”, you person who lives on the street, or works at I’ve got the whole evening I’ll pick it up and play know? But I really sense in my spirit it’s the Coca-Cola, or works at the grocery store, she on “Mighty to Save” or I played it on “Set a Fire” right thing and I think when you hear it… there treats everybody the same. She’s just genuine. I that we did at Bridgestone. I still feel like I’m just are just some moments that are unforgettable. don’t know anyone who doesn’t like Amy. She’s okay at it, I wish I would probably practice a little That’s the semi-short story, but I’m very excited so endearing. I’ve learned a lot, and I think bit more. What I love about playing the guitar about this new “Awaken” release. we’re like-minded, we have a lot in common, though, I love it especially when I’m writing, I’ve and we’ve gotten to make music together, ended up writing some of my favorite songs on [WM] Your musical career with Amy Grant has she’s one of my dear friends. I wouldn’t be here acoustic guitar. been a significant one from the very beginning. talking to you if it hadn’t been for her, she’s the Tell has about her as a person and as an artist? one that gave me a job, you know? I was a And I’m limited. With the keyboard I just feel piano player in 1982, and I thought I’d died and like I have the world at my fingertips, I can go gone to heaven… anywhere in the world on a keyboard, and on [Michael] She’s amazing, she’s just an amazing human being. Her legacy, what she does for this city, what she does for the people, 8 guitar I feel like I’m limited but because I’m not [WM] As a keyboardist, let us in on deciding March 2019 that great it allows me to simplify what I write… Subscribe for Free...