five for me. Then I just started getting dreams to have as much color as possible. And I’ll tell think it’s the most unique worship experience.
and revelations of, “You need to do this in you, I’ve never been a part of anything like it. I would say a good fifty or sixty percent of the
Nashville.” And then remembering all of the The unity, and how many pastors have went on footage is of the people and what’s going on
prophetic visions and prophetic dreams that about this thing at Bridgestone. It was strictly in the room. It was a beautiful night. I have a
a lot of prophetic people have had over the Bridgestone, then TBN heard about it, Matt really good friend of mine, a prophetic friend -
last two decades about Nashville, Tennessee, Crouch came and talked to me and said, “Man, James Goll who said, “I’ve been to so many
there’s something strategic about this city. More I wanna know what’s pushing your button, I stadiums and arenas, but I’ve never been to
than any city in the world, and I’m not saying keep listening to your record “Surrounded” anything more pure in my life.” And I was just so
that God can’t move in London or Russia or and I’m hearing through the grapevine about grateful to hear that, and it’s just not about me,
wherever, but there’s something about Nashville. this thing you want to do at Bridgestone”. So it was a real combined effort by the hundreds
In fact, there was a word that said, “There will I told him the vision and he said, “Would you of people that caught the vision and it started a
be a shot heard all around the world and that let us record it? Would you let us tape it for our prayer movement, and I think it was the prayers
shot came out of Nashville, Tennessee.” That network?” And I said, “On one condition: you of the church that made that night so amazing.
word was almost twenty years ago. So, I just can’t be a distraction, we can’t have cameras And it’s unified the city, I’ve never seen a city
thought, we’ve got to do this Bridgestone in people’s faces.” It’s really not about what’s more unified and I’ve been in this town for forty
thing, and we’ve got to be unified, we’ve got going on - on the stage. So if you watch it, I years. Sorry for the long story, but the more we
March 2019
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