so it’s not so complicated. You know, I wrote somebody else. Kyle Lee my co-producer, Yamaha Grand if I’m doing a personal show. I
the chorus for “Live the Life” on guitar, I wrote the guy who really helped put that whole thing still love whatever the latest CP300 is. I know
“This is Your Time” on guitar, I’ve written several together, he’s the one who recommended they’ve got a brand-new keyboard out which
things that I really like. So that’s what I like about James. I had never worked with James before. I’ll probably get my hands on, the CP88. I’ve
playing acoustic guitar, you’ll pick it up after I’d see him on videos, or seen him at a worship already put the call in. And I think I’ve got
playing piano, and you’re writing something conference or whatever, but man, that guy has the CP4, for the last two or three years that’s
going, “Oh my gosh, what is this?” you know? got something going on, it’s just beautiful. I just what I’ve really been playing. I’ve been playing
But I need to practice more. Stu G is on the love his demeanor, and I love his temperament, through a Logic, maybe one of the Alicia Keys
road with me, so he’s challenged me a little bit. he’s so chill but he’s always just over there pianos, but I still love the CP for the pop sound.
I’m learning a lot just hanging out and watching painting, especially when it comes to the Not so much for Christmas stuff or instrumental
Stu practice every night before the show. atmospheric and the slide stuff, he’s just really stuff, I like a warmer tone when I’m playing
amazing. more cinematic stuff. But when you’re doing
[WM] I noticed at Bridgestone you had James
pop stuff like “Cross of Gold”, “Place in This
Duke on stage playing electric. He is one of our [WM] You have been a strong endorser World”, even some of the worship songs, the
regular columnist now. for Yamaha now for many years. Fill us in on CP300 just cuts. It cuts through and sounds
the Yamaha gear you currently use? What in- great, it sounds great in the arena or in the hall,
[Michael] Yeah, I just felt like I wanted to have ears are you using? Do you have a vocal mic so I’ve never had an issue with it.
two guitar players, and James was a part of endorsement?
Surrounded back at The Factory. And we felt
like we needed two guitar players, Stu and
For in-ears I’m still with Westone. Just give
[Michael] Every once in a while, I’ll play the
March 2019
me simple, all I need to do is hear my vocal.
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