You’re looking at the people around you, who We’ve had a few conversations about different them, learning to see who they are and what
have come along beside you, the team that struggles within the teams, usually relationally they bring, and valuing that. I have so many
suddenly has formed, the people that you are there are different things going on. A month examples of this with my own team… I have
leading. Over time with this relationship, there ago, I said, “You need to change the way that anointing for breakthrough, but I also know
is this genuine love for these people, and being you view the people on the team. You need to that my drummer carries that. It looks different
able to see who they are and call out the good understand that you are not the only worship from me, but he carries that, and he sometimes
things inside of them. leader, but they are worship leaders as well and will feel it at different moments than I do, and
people are watching them on the stage too, not over time I’ve learned to trust that. If I hear him
just you.” back there start pushing toward something, I’m
I have this group of ten girls that I mentor for
worship leading, and we had a conversation
going, okay, he’s caught wind of something that
last month about our worship team. All of them People are led best by example, when we I didn’t catch wind of, but I know him and I trust
are worship leaders in different capacities, look up on the stage and we see everyone him and I’m going to follow him. And I do!
whether they’re a volunteer worship leader on worshiping, everyone giving all that they can, their team or a worship pastor who is paid by everyone pouring out their heart to Jesus, that Explaining this to the team, “Do you think
the church in that role. They are all different, is a really great influence. Whatever it is, if you those people are up there just to be robots?
but they are all worship leaders leading a team. start calling out the things you see inside of They’re not. God has put a special gift inside
March 2019
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