of them just like you. God has put an anointing does not mean, “Well, you’ve reached it, this For me personally I wasn’t having to try and
on their life just like you. God has called them is your spiritual climax and you’re not going convince people, I wasn’t having to wait for a
into something just like you. What is it? Do any further, there are no other dreams and now title, I wasn’t having to bring people around to
you know what it is for your team, have you everyone will run ahead of you and you’ll just follow me, they just came. It happened naturally
spoken that into them? Have you called that wave at them from home saying, “have a great through relationships and through me serving
out of them? Have you partnered with that?” day at school honey, I’ll just be sitting here at and pouring my heart out. Reaching out to bring
And they were all kind of stunned that I asked home watching my life go away day by day!’” people in, to let them be a part of something, to
that, because it wasn’t actually something that
let them connect with something, and to pour
they’d given thought to before. This is what a That sounds really dramatic but this is what I into them and say, “That’s your dream? I want
good strong leader will recognize in the people wrestle with in my head. I have to remind myself to see you go further, I want to see you do even
they are leading. They will speak value over that this sacrificial love does not mean it’s the more.” Helping people get to where they want
them and call out the gold inside of them. They end for me. That sacrificial love is just, again, to be, helping them achieve their dreams.
will make them feel like partners in this just like the love that Jesus gives us. The laying down we get to feel like we are partners with Jesus, our life, not to see the end of ours, because And now as an actual mother with my own
and we are. actually as we do that we see more dreams biological children I’ve learned that on a whole
accomplished. One of my pastors once said, new scale. I feel like I understood it to a degree
I always say as a worship leader you partner “You can’t out give God.” In this particular before I had kids. Then it became even more
with the Holy Spirit, and what He wants moment, he was talking about it tangibly, real when I had my own kids, and realized you
to accomplish. And I never felt like in my whether it’s tithes, offerings, or gifts, whatever truly do want to pour out your life to see them
relationship with God that I’m just a puppet and it is, you can’t out give God. I realized that go further than you and to see them accomplish
He’s just barking orders at me. I’ve always felt this is true in every area of my life. The more I more. There is something in me that feels like
like this is a relationship where we are partnered give and pour out in partnership with God into if they accomplish the dreams in their hearts
together and there is mutual love and respect this generation, into people I’m leading, and it feels like I’m accomplishing a dream in
and that we are doing this together in friendship into my children, the more I pour into them, my heart.
and in love. And again, that is an example of I am realizing that what I am doing is all in leadership, and that is how we should lead, connection with God. He just keeps pouring That’s the way I feel about a lot of the worship
that is how our relationship with our team out more and more inside of me. He is honoring leaders that I’ve mentored and am mentoring
should look. that sacrifice. He is honoring that pouring out, when they come to me and they say, “I finally
and He is honoring that gift. It is something got breakthrough in this thing I’ve been
Suddenly when you get to that point, when that has to be nurtured, because you pour wrestling with”. I feel like I got that breakthrough
you’re walking fully in that, I feel like that is out, and you pour out, and you pour out, and with them. When they finally get that, you know,
when you become the mother or father. That’s if you don’t have something pouring in you’re they had this dream of recording an album and
when you have finally learned how to love with going to run dry. We’ve learned that there has they finally did it and got it done. They’re so
a sacrificial love that says, “I truly want to see got to be a constant pouring in, by nurturing proud, and I am so proud of them, and I feel like
you go further than me. I want to see you do that partnership and connection to Jesus, and I just want to rejoice with them and be excited
more than me.” as I’m doing that I’ve come to see more of my with them. To bless them from the rooftops and
dream accomplished – the more I give. let everyone know I am so excited about this.
hard for me because I’ve had these thoughts in I realize it’s true that in every area and in every I think that is the heart of a mother or father that
my head. I know that I am a mother, I know aspect, you cannot out give God. So, I think comes naturally in the progression. You don’t
that I have people who I am mothering and this is kind of the natural progression that we have to force it, you don’t have to try and make
raising up, and pouring my life into, there is a grow into, and it’s not that suddenly I went, “I it happen. It just happens naturally as you learn
generation that I am pouring my life into. But I’ll am a mother now, you can follow me.” No one to walk in humility and to serve people and love
have these thoughts sometimes, like, I’m only came to me and said, “You are a leader now, people. To see people how God sees them. To
thirty-seven, and I still have all these dreams in and you are a mother now.” These are all things see the gifts inside of them. And then to care
my heart. Things I haven’t seen yet, and things that just naturally happened and progressed in about those and want to partner with them and
I haven’t done yet and accomplished. And my growth in my relationship with Jesus, in my help them get there.
having to wrestle this idea of being a mother pursuit of Him, in my pursuit of healthiness.
And that is hard for a lot of leaders, it really is. It’s
does not mean it’s the end. Being a mother
March 2019
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