trying to pull the sticks out of others’ eyes. I whatever difficult thing they’ve been walking Suddenly you don’t have to try and force
need to stop and work on my own heart first.” through, and suddenly you’re remembering people to follow you, you don’t even need to
that, “Oh, a couple years ago I went through have some big fancy title, people are following
This is that growth, that climbing of the something like this, and this is what I did, just because of the fruit of your life. They are
mountain, doing the work in your own heart and this is what helped me, and this is how I wanting to follow you because trust has been
to be the best version of yourself. What starts reached the other side.” And there is wisdom built. No one wants to follow a leader that they
happening is, as you are doing all of this work that is pouring out of you because you have can’t trust. And how can you have trust without
on yourself and you are becoming a better fought, and you have been bloodied, and you relationships and love and humility? These are
version of yourself, you are starting to glow. have battled and walked through something. foundational for trust, and that trust comes
And you feel the presence of God that is alive This person is realizing and seeing that there through that experience, that you’ve walked
in your life, because you are on this journey is a wisdom there that you have, that there is through something, you’ve been through
with Him. Walking with Him, the presence an understanding, and that they are gleaning something, you’ve actually battled through
of God is active in your life, because you are something from you and learning something something and know a little something because
in this active relationship with Him that is not from you. you’ve been there.
and feel it, because they are hungry, people Suddenly there is a trust that’s built, a trust So that trust is there and you do not have to
get around you and just feel the life coming out that says, “I can see and hear and feel that this force people to follow you because people
of you. They get around you and they feel joy, person has walked through something, I want want to follow you, they want to help serve
they feel peace, they feel the fruits of the Spirit, to follow them. I want to follow this person who your vision, they want to partner with you and
because that’s oozing out of you because of is not only offering me wisdom, but offering me come along side you. And it’s not because they
the presence of God that is in your life. love, and a hand.” Someone who is saying, “I’m don’t feel like they are important, it’s because
offering you a hand to help you out of this pit they feel like you’ve made them important…
that you’ve slipped into.” because you have.
stagnant, it is full of life. And people sense that
Suddenly you’re having a conversation with a
friend and they just start talking to you about
March 2019
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