[WM] What other instruments besides the in a text and like, “Hey, do you want to try out tried it with brushes, just to get the vibe right.
drums do you play, and how proficient would this new song on Sunday? Just bring any ideas We ended up using sticks, but very, very chill.
other people say you are on them? you have!”
So, it was a different approach in the sense
[David] Very un-proficient! I dabble at the It’s kind of funny, but a lot of these songs that that we weren’t in the studio hashing out parts
piano, I’m not great, I just know some chords we did for VICTORY, we were just trying them like we normally do for the other albums. It was
and that’s pretty much it. I’m an Ableton geek, out. There was a lot of life in them, and so a more of an on the fly, on the go, big collective
I just love learning new Ableton tricks. I’ve been majority of what you hear is us on Sundays family album. Just put us all in the room to write
working more on production, so demoing new where we tried out these new arrangements. the song and that’s how we’ll have it. So, it
songs, and writing out drum parts in Ableton. We just kind of played what was natural and was very different for sure, but I love it. It has a
So, I think I err on the side of learning more there was a lot of energy on it and so they different feel and I’m glad we’re not just doing
about Ableton and it’s capabilities, and writing kept them. the same thing every album!
drum parts through Ableton.
We had to hone-in our parts quite a bit to [WM] When the Molly Skaggs “Ain’t No
[WM] One of the things I love about VICTORY make sure things are locked in and what we’re Grave” came on, it stopped me dead in my
is that you really hear how much of a collective playing is not overstepping melody or lyric tracks once I realized what I was hearing. As
Bethel Music really is. What about this album is or anything like that. But I think it’s different much as I love the rest of the album, that track
special to you? sonically for one. It’s more acoustic, a little less is really different, really cool, and opens a new
‘wall of sound’. And a little more organic. It has door sonically for you guys. Can you tell us
[David] This album is definitely different a little bit of a Country flair on some songs. about that?
than what we’ve normally done. When we do It was a very unique approach, and we tried new songs at church we usually get a voice several different versions. Every other week we [David] It was an important song for Molly
memo or some sort of demo of someone would try a different version of the same song. in general. Obviously, she has a crazy family
playing acoustic guitar and singing – there’s no Like “Goodness of God”, it really has a Chris history with her father (Ricky Skaggs), and her
instrumentation. So, we’ll get the song that way Stapleton vibe, and I tried it with sticks and I whole family is absolutely incredible at music in
March 2019
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